Is it safe to eat indoors?
(NEXSTAR) — Don’t rush to eat indoors in the restaurant yet, says an infectious disease expert.
Due to the small number of COVID-19 cases, many counties across the country open their meals indoors, but Dr. Anne Liu, an infectious disease specialist at Stanford University, said indoors, even if vaccinated. Says that eating is not a good idea yet.
“For unvaccinated people, eating indoors at a restaurant is probably still quite dangerous, depending on how the restaurant is set up,” Liu said.
It’s in the restaurant details: Is the restaurant well ventilated? Is air exchange good? Do people sit far away?
Even though the restaurant meets the above criteria, Liu still says he is “worried” about eating indoors.
“Even if you’re six feet away, you can get a virus infection as long as you’re sitting indoors with someone,” she said.
“There are many things you can do with all these measures when people take off their masks.”
Liu said sitting six feet away was still at risk as people took off their masks to eat and drink.
“There were well-documented incidents of superspreading events happening in bars and restaurants where people were supposed to be six feet away, but they’re taking off their masks,” she said.
She says takeout is still the safest option, but “whatever you can do to eat outdoors” is beneficial.
Even if you are vaccinated, eating indoors can pose a risk. Liu is particularly concerned about the increase in variants in the United States and around the world that appear to be more resistant to the vaccines available.
“For South African and Brazilian variants, the concern is that the vaccine may be somewhat less effective against these strains,” she said. “Vaccines against these strains can be surprisingly less effective, and vaccines are found in multiple locations throughout the United States.”
Liu said there is no doubt that the country is not yet infected with the virus, as the number of cases is steadily increasing in certain parts of the country, probably due to mutations.
She emphasized that public health measures (masking, social distance, hand washing) should continue to be observed, as the only way to delay the creation of new variants is to delay the spread of the virus.
“In an ideal world, we would control numbers, vaccinate everyone, and the increase in variants would be small,” she said.
At a press conference on Monday, CDC director Rochelle Warrensky reiterated Liu’s concerns.
Wallensky became emotional when he looked back on his experience treating a COVID-19 patient who was alone at the end of his life.
“We have a lot to look forward to, and there are many promises and possibilities of where we are, and many reasons for hope,” she said. “But I’m scared now.”
“I lost the script and look back on my repetitive feelings about the imminent fate.”
Virus cases Approximately 10% increase from last week to last week, Reaching about 60,000 cases per day, both hospitalizations and deaths are increasing, Walensky said. She warned that without immediate action, the United States could follow European nations with a surge in incidents and suffer unnecessary deaths.
“I have to share the truth, and I have to want and trust you to hear,” she said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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