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Wisconsin may open vaccine eligibility in the coming weeks


Wisconsin has the potential to open vaccine eligibility to everyone sooner than planned. Continuing coverage: Coronavirus, Wisconsin, announced on Monday that more than one million inhabitants of various eligible groups have been fully vaccinated. However, many people are not yet qualified. Governor Tony Evers wasn’t ready to announce the increased accessibility when pushed by WISN 12 during a company visit in Milwaukee. President Joe Biden is a vaccination site within 5 miles of where 90% of adults are eligible to be vaccinated within the next 3 weeks and where they live. We have stopped promising to open the vaccine to anyone over the age of 16. “I feel like I’m in this strange category that I haven’t qualified for a while,” said Linda Kennedy. She said it was frustrating. Kennedy is one of many Wisconsin people who are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, waiting for a go-ahead to schedule their shots. Blake Tierney is transparent about their plans for when things will happen. ” As the wait continues, there is growing concern about the increase in new positive COVID-19 cases. There was still a center at the Wisconsin Mass Vaccination Clinic Checked on Monday and there were more than 12 openings within the next 24 hours. There was even more vacancy on the second day of the week. For now, Evers sticks to the May 1st timeline and everyone is on shot. “every day. People monitor it every day and do math. I may do it by May 1st. ” As soon as the date was approached or data was available to support it, “a little over an hour after the governor’s remarks, his deputy health minister said there could be an immediate move to release the vaccine to everyone. I showed it. ” Julie Willems van Dyck added that state officials continue to evaluate supply to determine if Wisconsin is ready. The state didn’t number it, but estimated that the remaining groups were actually less than the 2 million people added last week as part of Group 1C. Evers did not say whether to expand Wisconsin’s face on Mask’s mission. “We will see,” he said. That is the decision we make in the last moment. The current mission is scheduled to expire on April 5. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has not yet ruled whether it is constitutionally legal. It was scheduled to be decided on Wednesday. Regardless of the ruling, all residents said they should continue to wear face masks to slow the spread of the virus. Sign up for a coronavirus email alert from WISN. Get the latest news alerts with the WISN12 app. Follow: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Wisconsin has the potential to open vaccine eligibility to everyone sooner than planned.

Continued coverage: Wisconsin coronavirus

The state announced on Monday that more than one million residents in various qualified groups are now fully vaccinated.

However, many people are not yet qualified.

Governor Tony Evers wasn’t ready to announce an accessibility enhancement when pushed by WISN 12 while visiting a Milwaukee company.

President Joe Biden has announced that 90% of adults are eligible to be vaccinated within the next three weeks and that there is a vaccination site within five miles of where they live.

Evers has ceased to promise to open the vaccine eligibility to anyone over the age of 16.

“I feel like I’m in this strange category that I haven’t qualified for a while,” said Linda Kennedy.

She said it was frustrating.

Kennedy is one of many Wisconsin people who are not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and is waiting for Goahead to schedule a shot.

“I think Wisconsin should speed up, or we want to be more transparent about their plans for when things will happen, so we know,” said Blake Tierney.

As the wait continues, there is growing concern that the number of new positive COVID-19 cases will increase.

At the Wisconsin Center’s Mass Vaccination Clinic, I checked on Monday and found that there were still more than 12 openings within the next 24 hours.

After a few days of the week, there was even more availability.

Evers is currently sticking to his May 1st timeline for everyone to qualify for a shot.

“We monitor this every day. People monitor it every day and do math. They may do it before May 1st,” he said. “But we won’t make that decision today. We will make it when we approach the date or when we have the data to support it.”

A little over an hour after the governor’s remarks, his deputy health minister showed that the move to release the vaccine to everyone could happen soon.

“We expect it to be announced sooner than May 1, so please be patient,” said Julie Willems van Dyck.

She added that state officials continue to evaluate the supply to understand if Wisconsin is ready for the general public.

The state didn’t number it, but estimated that the remaining groups would actually be less than the 2 million people added last week as part of Group 1C.

Evers did not say whether to extend the Wisconsin face mask mission.

“I understand,” he said. “I’m waiting for that science. It’s the decision we make in the last moment. If we seem to have a reason to do it, we do it.”

The current mission is set to expire on April 5th.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has not yet ruled whether it is constitutionally legal.

It was expected to be decided on Wednesday.

Evers said all residents should continue to wear face masks to slow the spread of the virus, regardless of the ruling.

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