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EU proposes joint youth research and research plan with UK after Brexit | political news

EU proposes joint youth research and research plan with UK after Brexit |  political news


Young people could move more easily between the UK and Europe and stay longer to work, study and train under plans proposed by the European Union.

New rules will be drawn up to allow more movement between the UK and EU countries for people aged 18 to 30, under proposals put forward by the European Commission.

Formal negotiations have not yet begun and British sources told Sky News that Brussels has not made a formal offer to start negotiations.

The proposal will be discussed further in the European Council, which represents all countries, before full-scale negotiations begin.

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The EU's proposed plan would allow young people to stay in Europe for four years, with the same rules applying to EU citizens coming to the UK.

This also means that EU students pay the same fees as UK students. Since Brexit, UK universities have been charging much higher tuition fees to European students.

Announcing the move, the European Commission said it wanted to take an “innovative” approach to address the barriers faced by young people trying to travel long-term from the European Union to the UK and vice versa.

“The aim is to promote youth exchange, making it easier for young citizens to travel, work and live in the UK, and to achieve reciprocity for young British nationals from member countries,” the commission said in a statement.

Maros Sefcovic, vice-chairman of the committee that oversees relations with the UK, said: “The UK’s departure from the EU has been a huge blow to young people in the EU and the UK who want to study, work and live abroad, in particular.” He said.

“Our goal is to rebuild human bridges between young Europeans on both sides of the Channel.”

This scheme is separate from the 90-day visa-free travel available to British citizens on the continent.

According to the committee, they do not foresee the plan allowing UK citizens to travel to the Schengen area without hindrance, but rather visas would only be valid for a single state.

He added, “This does not grant young British citizens the basic freedom of movement benefits enjoyed by EU citizens.”

However, visas are not “purpose-bound” and allow people to work, travel or study.

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Image: The EU wants to negotiate an agreement as a whole rather than country by country. Photo: Reuters

The EU has said it wants to ensure that, rather than just free exchange, those taking part in the scheme are subject to checks from the bloc or have their applications rejected by the UK. For example, if someone is thought to be a threat to public policy, security or health.

The UK government currently has a series of agreements in place with 13 individual countries, including New Zealand, South Korea, Andorra, Iceland and India, which offer a similar route to the one being proposed by the EU.

The government has said it is open to extending deals with European countries, but has been reluctant to commit to a pan-EU deal, and some may fear such a deal would be a first step for the UK. Caught up in the “freedom of movement” deal.

The EU has said it wants a collective agreement that “ensures that all member states are treated equally in relation to the movement of young people to the UK”, but the current government appears to prefer the current agreement.

The committee dismissed these concerns and sources insisted it had no intention of involving the UK in or proposing such a deal.

A Number 10 spokesperson said: “We want to reduce legal immigration and support UK talent and skills, which is why we have a system in place where we have a number of agreements with individual EU member states. “It is for our benefit and we We have that rather than a committee-level agreement.”

Labor has denied it has any plans for a youth mobility scheme.

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Kate Nicholls, CEO of UKHospitality, the trade body representing the UK's hospitality sector, welcomed the move.

She said: “This agreement will be a huge win for the hospitality and tourism industries and will substantially address the challenges of the live music and events sector.”




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