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Eras Tour: Taylor Swift fans lose at least $1 million to UK ticket scams

Eras Tour: Taylor Swift fans lose at least $1 million to UK ticket scams



Thousands of Taylor Swift's British fans were duped into buying fake tickets for her upcoming Eras Tour concerts, according to a major British bank.

So far, more than 600 customers have reported being scammed, losing an average of 332 ($414) each, and in some cases more than 1,000 ($1,247), Lloyds Bank said in a press release Wednesday.

As these figures are based solely on Lloyds Bank customer data, it estimates that across the UK there are likely to be at least 3,000 casualties since tickets went on sale, and more than a million have been lost so far to fraudsters, the lender added.

The impact of Swift's Eras Tour world tour was felt far and wide, drawing Singapore into a diplomatic row; leaving Ticketmaster facing a lawsuit from angry fans; and is proving a major boon to the travel industry, local governments and even food banks.

The highest-grossing tour of all time kicked off in the United States in March 2023 and will end in December this year. Swift is performing the first of 15 concerts in the UK in June.

With all UK dates now sold out, desperate fans are more likely to turn to resale sites and social media for tickets.

Lloyds said it expects to see many more fans falling victim to ticket scams in the coming weeks and months, ahead of the first concert in Edinburgh, Scotland.

If you're asked to pay by wire transfer, especially from a seller you found on social media, that should immediately raise alarm bells, said Liz Ziegler, director of fraud prevention. at Lloyds.

Buying directly from reputable and authorized platforms is the only way to guarantee that you are paying for an authentic ticket. Even then, always pay by debit or credit card for the greatest protection, she added.

According to UK Finance, a financial services industry association, Britons lost more than $US40 million ($50 million) to shopping scams, including fraudulent ticket sales, in the first semester of last year.

HSBC, Europe's largest bank, directed CNN to a ticket fraud warning on its website dated April 2024, which said customers should avoid buying concert, festival or sports tickets from anyone other than official sellers, ticket sales or reputable fan sites.

Criminals usually pose as a seller and post messages on social media or an online marketplace. They will tell you that they will post or email the tickets once you transfer the money to their bank account. But when you try to contact them when nothing has happened, they disappear from the face of the earth, the warning adds.

HSBC said this happens to thousands of people every year. In November, the bank customers notified following ticket scams linked to Glastonbury, the popular outdoor music festival held annually in England in summer.

Kirsty Adams, head of product at Barclays UK, said: 2024 is a huge year for entertainment with Taylor Swift and Glastonbury kicking off the summer in June, followed closely by the Euros, Olympics and Paralympics.

Even though most fans have already secured their tickets, it is likely that resales will increase as time approaches, with scammers targeting fans who may have missed out on their ticket and failed to secure a ticket during of the voting or drawing process.




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