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Allman Brothers Band Founding Member Dickey Betts DiesExBulletin

Allman Brothers Band Founding Member Dickey Betts DiesExBulletin


Guitarist, singer and songwriter Dickey Betts was a founding member of the Allman Brothers Band. He is pictured on May 19, 2014 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Rick Diamond/Getty Images for Webster PR



Rick Diamond/Getty Images for Webster PR

Guitarist, singer and songwriter Dickey Betts was a founding member of the Allman Brothers Band. He is pictured on May 19, 2014 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Rick Diamond/Getty Images for Webster PR

Dickey Betts, founding member of the famous rock group Allman Brothers Band, died Thursday at his home in Osprey, Florida. The influential guitarist, songwriter and singer was battling two types of cancer as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He was 80 years old.

The news was shared on Betts' official site in a statement from his family.

“Dickey was larger than life and his loss will be felt around the world,” the statement said.

Betts' blues, rock, and country-influenced guitar style helped define southern rock in the 1960s and 1970s.

“Dickey was one of the most unique guitar stylists in the world, and you knew it was him when you heard him on record or live,” said longtime Allman Brothers member Chuck Leavell, who is currently the musical director and keyboardist of the Rolling Stones. player, in a statement shared with NPR. “He leaves a lasting and enviable legacy that we will all celebrate for eternity.”

Betts was best known for the song “Ramblin' Man.” The Allman Brothers Band was initially reluctant to record the song, which Betts had written and sang, because they thought it sounded too much like a country song.

Released in 1973, “Ramblin' Man” became the band's first and only album. top 10 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.


The slender, mustachioed guitarist has such an iconic figure that director Cameron Crowe based the rock star hero from his 2000 film Almost known on him. The character in the film was played by Billy Crudup.

“Crudup’s look, and much more, is an homage to Dickey,” Crowe said in a statement. Interview 2017 For rolling stone review. “Dickey seemed like a calm guy with a huge amount of soul, possible danger and a playful carefreeness behind his eyes. He had a huge presence.”

Forrest Richard “Dickey” Betts was born in 1943 in West Palm Beach, Florida. He comes from a family of musicians and began playing the ukulele at the age of 5, before learning the mandolin, banjo and guitar. He began performing in rock bands around Florida, which remained his home state throughout his life, and joined the Allman Brothers Band when it formed in 1969.

The Allman Brothers group performed in 1972 in front of a television audience. Chuck Leavell, Keys, left; Jamoie Johanson, drums; Dickey Betts, lead and slide guitar; Berry Oakley, bass; Butch Trucks, drums and percussion.





The Allman Brothers group performed in 1972 in front of a television audience. Chuck Leavell, Keys, left; Jamoie Johanson, drums; Dickey Betts, lead and slide guitar; Berry Oakley, bass; Butch Trucks, drums and percussion.


Betts began playing guitar as co-lead with Duane Allman (one of the two brothers after whom the band was named). He pushed rock guitar improvisation into new territories. The guitarist's spiraling sound is perfectly captured in the track “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed” on the 1971 Allman Brothers record. In Fillmore East album. Betts also made a name for himself as a songwriter with songs like “Jessica” and “Blue Sky.”

After Duane Allman died in a motorcycle accident in 1971, Betts became the sole guitarist and vocalist for the Allman Brothers Band. He had a turbulent relationship with the group over the years, taking breaks to perform with other ensembles and work on solo projects. But Betts hasn't been able to replicate the success he experienced with The Allman Brothers Band when he struck out on his own.

Known for his harsh living methods, Betts developed a reputation for trashing hotel rooms and attacking police officers.

Yet, according to his longtime manager, David Spero, Betts was also a great mensch.

“He was such a generous man,” Spero said in an interview with NPR. “He took time with his fans. He would sign anything. He posed for every photo.”

The musician's generosity was also highlighted in a 2005 interview with WHYY's. Fresh airwhen country music star Billy Joe Shaver described how Betts helped revive the music career of Shaver's son, Eddy Shaver, noticing his talent and even passing him award-winning guitars.

“Dickey Betts gave [Eddy Shaver] his 335 that belonged to Duane Allman and a '55 Strat when he was 13,” Shaver said. “And Dickey recognized quicker than I how talented he was.”

Story edited by Jennifer Vanasco.




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