Return to school: Put the flu vaccine on the checklist

Dr. Prakash Desai
You took care of your backpack, lunch box, folder and pencil case. But what about the vaccines your child may need?It’s a great idea to get your child vaccinated against the flu every year, but this year more COVID-19 The virus continues to spread. Many parents are unaware of it, but influenza can be a very serious illness, with the highest risk groups being children over 5 years old, the elderly, and long-term health. There is a possibility of connecting. It is even more important to protect your child from viruses such as the flu by vaccination against the flu every year. Vaccination of children not only prevents them from getting the flu, but also prevents the spread of the flu.
As a pediatrician and neonatologist, I often come across parents asking questions such as “My child was vaccinated against the flu last year, do I need another vaccination this year?” Yes, the flu virus changes every year, so vaccines may be updated. For this reason, even if you were vaccinated last year, we recommend that you continue to be vaccinated against the flu this year. In young children, influenza can cause pneumonia (lung infection) and bronchiolitis (an infection of the small airways leading to the lungs that causes wheezing and dyspnea), and the resulting high fever can cause febrile seizures. there is.
Below are some Q & As to help you consider flu vaccine vaccination if you haven’t done so already.
Influenza (or “influenza”) is a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. In India, influenza activity is usually limited throughout the year, peaking clearly during the changing seasons, mainly during the rainy season nationwide. Parents need to understand that the flu is not only in schools, but also in our communities, shops, parks, and the individuals around you. It is still very important for children to be vaccinated to protect themselves and everyone around them from the flu. Given the severity of the flu and the susceptibility of infants to the disease, all doctors and specialists motivate parents to get the seasonal flu vaccine in time for the flu season.
Always keep in mind that between the ages of 4 and 6, children need to be boosted with several vaccines and the flu vaccine each year. If your child misses the vaccine, work with your doctor to ensure that you get the vaccine on time.
How does the flu spread?
The flu virus is found in the nose and throat. Children can get the flu from siblings, parents, other family members, playmates, or caregivers.
Bacteria usually spread in one of three ways:
Direct contact, such as touching or holding hands with an infected person.
Indirect contact means touching a toy, doorknob, or used tissue touched by an infected person. Bacteria are attached to these tissues and can stay on the surface for hours.
Some bacteria spread into the air through droplets when coughing or sneezing.
How can I tell if my child has the flu?
The flu strikes faster than a cold and exacerbates the flu symptoms typical of children.
What are the benefits of vaccines?
Vaccination can protect you from illnesses that are very troublesome for your child. Children under the age of 5 have the highest rate of hospitalization for influenza. You can reduce the chances of someone else in your family at high risk of getting the flu, such as your grandparents or someone in long-term health.
Can I get the flu vaccine if I get the flu vaccine?
Influenza illness can be caused by several viruses. The flu vaccine given is derived from four viruses that prevailed at that time of the year, so the circulating virus must match the virus strain for best protection. It also depends on the individual’s immune response to produce antibodies. It may not provide complete protection, but it may reduce the incidence and reduce the chances of complications and hospitalization.
Can all children get the flu vaccine?
Yes, the minimum age is 6 months. Influenza vaccine is given twice a month to strengthen immunity, and then once a year to provide maximum immunity as the circulating strain and the corresponding vaccine strain continue to change. there is.
Ideally, it is recommended until the child is 5 years old, but children with recurrent respiratory illness, asthma, or other long-term symptoms will benefit from continued annual vaccination at a later date. Probably.
Are there any side effects of the flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine is very safe. It does not cause the flu. Side effects are usually mild and include the following:
Apart from vaccination, there are several easy ways to protect yourself and your child from the flu:
Hand hygiene is the most important factor in preventing the spread of influenza. Tell people who wash themselves and take care of their baby to wash frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based disinfectants.
If your baby is already crawling in search of toys, be sure to wash your hands and clean the surfaces you handle frequently.
Breastfeeding your baby can help protect your baby’s health in one or more ways. Breast milk contains antibodies that are transmitted to the baby. Breast-fed babies have a lower incidence of colds and other respiratory and intestinal infections.
If possible, avoid close contact with people who may already be showing signs of the flu.
Influenza vaccination is booming in the current Covid Pandemic, and vaccines can be obtained from a local pediatrician or arranged through a hospital that offers home vaccination services. Remember to protect your child and others, get a flu shot for your child.
(Writers are consultants – pediatricians and neonatologists, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Bangalore – Malleshwaram)
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