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A 21-year-old experienced heart failure after drinking an energy drink four times a day for two years: a case study

A 21-year-old experienced heart failure after drinking an energy drink four times a day for two years: a case study


Toronto-A new case study reveals the potential risk of overdose of these drinks after a 21-year-old man drinks multiple energy drinks daily for two years, with rare severe heart failure Explains the case.

Case Study, Published in BMJ Case Report Here’s a rare case of an Englishman who was first hospitalized on Thursday for shortness of breath and swelling of the abdomen.

After seeing a doctor, he soon found out that he was experiencing kidney failure and was unable to completely empty his bladder, the case study said. Further investigation by the doctor revealed that urine was not drained into the bladder in both of his kidneys.

It was clear that he needed surgery, but what was less obvious was the cause of his condition. He told his doctor that he had gradually shortened his breath, lost weight, and felt sick overall over the past four months.

He has also been very sick for the past three months, disrupting college studies.

“There was no significant past medical history and no family history was suspected of cardiomyopathy or sudden cardiac death,” the case report said. “He is a former smoker and stopped three years ago.”

He also did not consume alcohol or use drugs, he told the doctor.

However, he explained that he consumed energy drinks on a regular basis. Specifically, he brought down “an average of four 500mL cans per day for about two years.”

Each drink contained about 160 mg of caffeine.

“Retrospectively, patients recall the occasional symptoms of dyspepsia, tremor, and beating, but do not seek medical reviews,” said the case study.

In a statement provided in the case study, patients not identified by name wrote that they “suffer from severe migraine headaches” when they are not consuming these energy drinks.

The situation worsened after the doctor tried to treat his kidney problem. When his renal function showed little improvement, doctors examined him further and found that he was in “decompensated heart failure.” Moisture was also accumulated in the knees and abdomen.

A chest x-ray showed that the heart was enlarged, and ultrasonography showed that both the kidneys and liver were enlarged.

According to a case study, the situation was dire and he was taken to another hospital’s ICU for more professional care.

“The experience was very traumatic,” said the patient, who also suffered from delirium and memory problems. In other words, I woke up in the ICU without knowing why I was there.

Doctors theorized that he had experienced low cardiac output for several months.

“Given the chronic energy drink consumption history, lack of past medical and family history, cardiac imaging findings, and improvement by stopping intake, energy drink-induced cardiotoxicity is the most likely cause. I felt there was, “states the case report.

The 21-year-old was finally discharged 58 days after his first mysterious symptoms. He is currently being treated, but needs to continue follow-up in cardiology, nephrology, and urology, and doctors need the possibility of a kidney transplant at some point when he says “future bladder reconstruction.” I suspect it might be.

He is currently avoiding energy drinks, case reports say. Doctors believe that he has contributed to improving his heart function.

This isn’t the only example of an overdrinking energy drink landing in a hospital, but research on this topic is still inadequate. Case reports referred to two other cases of people in their twenties who experienced heart failure or injury after chronic consumption of these drinks.

“I think we need to be more aware of the effects of energy drinks and their contents,” the patient said in a report. “I think they are very addictive and too accessible to young children. Create a warning label similar to smoking to explain the potential dangers of ingredients in energy drinks. I think we need to. “

It’s not yet fully understood why drinking too much energy drink can cause heart problems, but doctors say the high levels of caffeine in energy drinks play a role. I believe there is a possibility.

“Energy drinks are also known to raise blood pressure,” the case report added, adding that this can cause problems with the movement of blood through the body and can contribute to heart failure.

“Further research is needed to identify the underlying mechanisms of susceptibility factors, safe consumption of energy drinks, and toxicity,” said the case study.


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