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Kīlauea Three Years Later: Learning from the Past, Preparing for the Future

Kīlauea Three Years Later: Learning from the Past, Preparing for the Future


Photo courtesy of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.

Three years ago, the dynamic geology of the Big Island of Hawaii provided a stark and dangerous reminder of its power. A series of events, starting with the collapse of the floor of the Buow Crater on April 30 in the Eastern Rift Zone of Kolaoya Volcano, forever changed the landscape of the island and the lives of the people who call it home.

The Puʻu ʻŌʻō collapse marked what scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey have since determined to be the end of a 35-year volcanic eruption that began in 1983.

According to information from the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park website, 48 hours later, the lava lake at the summit of Kīlauea drastically decreased as magma began to drain underground towards the Middle Rift and Middle East region. This movement was accompanied by a series of earthquakes.

On May 3, 2018, the first fissure opened in a residential subdivision known as Leilani Estates, and the next day the island was hit by a 6.9-magnitude earthquake as magma continued to move towards the Near East Rift Zone. Over the course of four months, the region was hit by thousands of earthquakes. At the summit, there were more than 60 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or greater.

Landscapes changed and property damage was extensive.

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The national park website said the following:

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“Over the next two months, lava covered 13.7 square miles of land, several tens of feet deep in places. Streams in the fractured Near East destroyed 700 homes, displaced more than 2,000 people, covered 30 miles of roads, and added 875 acres of New lands to the island. “

The collapse of the caldera summit was perhaps one of the most dramatic changes in Kīlauea. As a result of activity during the 2018 eruption, the Halemaʻumaʻu Crater – a crater hole inside the largest Klauea caldera – has grown from 280 feet to 1,600 feet deep.

Although the eruption actually subsided in September 2018, Kīlauea remains one of the most active volcanoes in the world.

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How HI-EMA supported those influences and what was learned

The 2018 eruption forced the evacuation of thousands of residents and many other people were affected by hazardous health conditions from hazardous gases and other emissions, including respiratory problems due to volcanic smog or “smog”.

From the start of the eruption and continuing into today, the Hawaiian Emergency Management Agency has worked in coordination with the city, federal and non-profit partners, as well as experts in the scientific community to respond to and recover from the accident. There are several major FEMA grant programs that HI-EMA is currently supporting for this incident including the Public Assistance Program and the Risk Mitigation Grants Program.

Some of the coordinated projects include a $ 3.7 million FEMA disaster recovery grant to help rebuild parks damaged or destroyed by the eruption and additional funding for a University of Hawaii-led research project on Vogue Measurement and Prediction.

HI-EMA helped prepare HMGP to secure FEMA funding for a VMAP research project that helps atmospheric scientists and health officials improve their ability to predict noise and alert the public.

In total, FEMA’s committed reimbursement for this accident – including destroyed roads and water lines – is roughly $ 150 million.

“Because lava is dynamic and unpredictable, the state of Hawaii has worked closely with the County of Hawaii and several federal agencies to maintain public security. This accident prompted everyone to look for solutions outside the box and we are very pleased that our federal, state and county partners rose to the challenge HI-EMA Director Luke Meyers said.

More information on the response and recovery efforts for the 2018 Kīlauea outbreak can be found online.

Some projects and recovery efforts are continuing today.

“Even though three years have passed, there are still many long-term recovery issues that need to be addressed,” Myers said.

Towards this end, HI-EMA and partners continue to recover, mitigate and communicate to respond and learn from 2018 as well as prepare for the next eruption.

Preparing for the next eruption

Today, scientists are constantly conducting geological investigations and real-time monitoring of volcanoes as they work to better predict volcanic eruptions and answer important questions about when an eruption will occur, how long it will last when it occurs and what to expect. The eruption begins and reveals.

While nature provides many indications of a possible eruption – increased frequency and intensity of earthquakes, noticeable vaporization and new or enlarged areas of hot ground are among those listed on the USGS website – it is still difficult to predict an eruption accurately. The recent geological activities around Kilauea and Mauna Loa are a good reminder to know your stakes and prepare.

Be prepared for two weeks

Emergency preparedness begins at home, so it is important for residents and visitors to think about the future and prepare themselves and their families when a volcanic eruption or any other natural or man-made accident occurs.

HI-EMA provides the following advice for emergency preparedness.

Have a two-week supply of non-perishable food, have a good water supply (1 gallon per person per day), and collect important supplies such as first aid, medication, important documents, battery or forearm radio, batteries, flashlight, warm clothes Durable shoes, hygiene items, masks, hand sanitizer, pet supplies and those who need extra care. You have a safety and evacuation plan as well as a way to let your family know that you are safe. A family member who works and also has a vehicle safety kit. .

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