I am 28 years old The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are:
As Grandmother’s primary caregiver In Virginia, my partner and I COVID-19 vaccine March.
And as a journalist reporting about New coronavirus, COVID long-distance carrier, And the dangers of various activities since the spring of 2020, I was beginning to feel a whole new level of fatigue after months of hypervigilance, worry, and loss around me.
Besides, my sister’s wedding was scheduled for mid-April 2021. Originally a case of 200 guests, it was cut down by our immediate family and a few guests for an outdoor ceremony on the Tennessee River.Most of us wanted to do so Fully vaccinated By that time.
With the help of Virginia Department of Health, My partner and I signed up and waited for our appointment to be confirmed. By the time I lined up, my grandmother had already been given both Pfizer vaccines and No side effects In addition to my arm hurting a little, it took about a day.
My mother, a high school biology teacher in Tennessee, also received the Pfizer vaccine as an essential worker. She said she woke up with arm pain about 12 hours after the first shot and had severe headaches throughout the day after the second shot, but with mild side effects.
The night before the promise, I read aloud Possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccine And I thought my reaction was similar. Injection site pain, malaise, body pain, and possibly nausea, chills, or fever for days to a week.
At 3:30 pm on Friday, March 12, I went to a vaccination site in my area and took the first shot.I’ve heard a lot of other people about different experiences and we’re learning more every day, but this is how I travel Modern vaccine went:
Dose # 1
Day 1: Full-scale fatigue with arm and body pain.
To be honest, the first shot hit me like a bus. Thirty minutes after being stabbed, the injected right arm became heavier and seemingly all muscle fibers radiated sharp pain.
When I got home, I slept straight, raised the hot compress and wrapped it around my arm. I decided to take a rest for the rest of the day. Then my partner ordered a supper, but my appetite (usually high) was two tenths. I also developed a dull headache. Forgetfulness, Body pain.But Arm pain It was by far the most intense.
At dawn, I tried to lie down as much as possible so as not to cause arm pain. My partner and I googled to see if we could take over-the-counter painkillers like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but most of the reports we found were to your doctor. He said he would call. I didn’t have a family doctor, so I decided to make a rough cut. Overnight I slept on my back so as not to put pressure on my arms. Still, I woke up moaning several times. (After all, it’s generally okay Take these OTC medications rear Your shot— See below for details. )
Day 2: Queue the stomach cramps.
Around 6 am in the early morning, I felt that my abdominal muscles were twisted and turned into concrete. The pain in my arm was somehow even worse. To deal with that, I turned myself from a scarf into a makeshift sling and immediately went back to bed. It seemed to help, as ridiculous as I saw.
As the days went by Really tired I experienced several waves of nausea, but I didn’t feel sick. I spent most of my day in bed.
Day 3: Finally mild side effects.
By the third day, I felt I was close to normal again. Similar to the fog and malaise in my brain, the pain in my arm began to fade. I decided to postpone the exercise for another day, but I had the energy to do some chores around my house.
Dose # 2
Days 1-5: Very mild side effects.
Four weeks later, I took a second shot. It was a breeze. I had a slight arm pain and dull headache on the first day or so, and then I had occasional nausea for about 5 days. I kept waiting for my side effects to get worse, but they never got worse.
The funny thing is that some of my friends Opposition Experience — A mild reaction to the first shot followed by major side effects on the second shot.The· CDC says This is also perfectly normal.
Why are the side effects of my vaccine so bad?
In the end, I suffered double as a woman and a relatively young person.Both groups seem to have more side effects compared to male And Senior citizens Conversely, early data show that those who are more likely to experience serious illness or death from the coronavirus Andrew Yanovsky, MD, Infectious disease specialist at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Missouri.
In general, healthy young people are more robust Immune response This means a stronger response to vaccines and infections. As far as gender differences are concerned Woman Dr. Janowski explains that due to complex differences in our genetics and hormones like estrogen and testosterone, they are more likely to have more serious side effects than men. Another factor to consider: You are also more likely to report side effects.
The side effects can be terrible for some people, but the rewards are worth it.
Vaccine side effects are a sign that your body is strengthening its defenses against the virus. Currently approved vaccines give your body “instructions” to make peaplomers that give SARS-CoV-2 (a new coronavirus) a unique pointed look.But this is only part of the virus, so you you can not Obtaining COVID-19 from the vaccine, Dr. Janowski explains.
“The vaccine-induced arm pain is due to the“ ground zero ”of the immune response,” explains Dr. Janowski. “Many of the cells that contain viral spelomers are cells in the arm, so the body initiates the strongest immune response there.”
When the system recognizes these foreign proteins, immune cells begin producing antibodies. This is an infectious fighter that binds to the virus and blocks its spread into the body in the event of future contact with the virus. The flu-like symptoms you may develop are actually the result of cytokines and are the body’s alarm bells that signal the immune system to function.
Despite the short and sometimes life-threatening discomfort, vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine can prevent the virus from becoming infected and significantly reduce the infection. Risk to give to othersReduces and contributes to the risk of serious illness in the event of illness Herd immunity As a result, vulnerable people such as children and immunodeficiencies can ultimately be protected.
“We are all together. The more people we can vaccinate, the more we can return to our previous normal state,” says Dr. Janowski.
How to deal with the side effects of vaccines
As a rule of thumb, take only NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). rear I got the shot, not in advance CDC, Says Dr. Janowski.Some small studies suggest that these painkillers may reduce the number of antibodies produced by the vaccine when taken. Before Your dose — but this is currently under study.
If you experience side effects that persist or worsen after a few days, contact your doctor or vaccinated area for further guidance.Of course you There is a terrible reaction— Rare but possible — Seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Otherwise, the worst should end in a few days or so.Two weeks after the last puncture wound, you officially Fully vaccinated..Keep an eye out for possibilities in the future Booster shot To maintain protection from new strains of the virus.
“The good thing about common side effects is that they are temporary and disappear over time,” says Dr. Janowski. “In a sense, this is a trade-off for protection from COVID-19, but a trade-off I take.”
After dancing in public for the first time in over a year at my sister’s wedding, I 100% agree.
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