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The center urges the state to make mucormycosis a notable illness

The center urges the state to make mucormycosis a notable illness


Mucormycosis or black fungus is a complication caused by a fungal infection. People catch zygomycosis by coming into contact with fungal spores in the environment. The disease has been detected among patients who have recovered or recovered from covid-19.

In a letter to the states on Wednesday, Lav Aggarwal, co-secretary of the Union Ministry of Health, recently emerged with a new challenge in the form of a fungal infection, or mucosis, with covid-19 patients from many states. Especially steroid therapy and disordered sugar management.

“This fungal infection has led to prolonged morbidity and mortality in covid-19 patients. Treatment of this fungal infection includes ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, general surgeons, neurosurgeons, maxillofacial surgeons. We need an interdisciplinary approach, including surgeons, and the introduction of amphotericin B as an antifungal drug. “

“Under the Epidemic Act of 1897, Mukormicosis is required to be a notable illness. The law requires all government and private health facilities and medical colleges to have Mukormicosis issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Follow our screening, diagnosis, and management guidelines (Gol) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)… .. “And all these institutions have identified all suspicious cases as the highest medical care at the district level. He reported to the health department through the person in charge, followed by the Integrated Disease Monitoring Program (IDSP) Monitoring System. “

Due to the increasing number of cases of mucormycosis in Rajasthan, the Rajasthan government has already declared “mucormycosis” as an epidemic. Mucormycosis has been notified as an epidemic and informable disease in the state under the Rajasthan Epidemic Act of 2020.

Similarly, the Tamil Nadu government has made black ear mushrooms a notable disease under public health law after reporting more than nine cases. Cases of black fungus have been reported from all over the country, including Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. On May 18, the Government of Haryana also developed a regulation called “Haryana Epidemic (Mucormycosis) Regulation, 2021”.

Rajasthan has recorded more than 100 cases of black ear mushrooms, while Maharashtra has killed as many as 90 people from infectious diseases. The Maharashtra state government states that patients infected with zygomycosis will be treated under Mahatma Giotilao Puree Yang Arroga Yojana. Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said the cost of treating mucormycosis is high. Therefore, the provincial government has decided to treat eligible patients under Mahatma Jotilao Puree Yang Arroga Yojana at the hospital where the scheme is implemented.

Given the increasing number of cases of mucormycosis infection in Chhattisgarh, the State Food and Drug Administration has all been notified to the department about the distribution of the drugs posaconazole and amphotericin-B used to treat mucormycosis. Instructed the drug distributor for sale.

Similarly, Delhi’s Prime Minister Albind Keziwar said Thursday that the national capital would set up a dedicated center for the treatment of cases of zygomycosis in hospitals run by three city governments.

“Three important decisions were made at the conference. The centers will be set up at Roknayak Jaipra Kashnarayan Hospital, Gluteg Bahadur Hospital and Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital for the treatment of black bacteria,” Kejiwal tweeted. ..

Black ear mushrooms can also develop on the skin after it has invaded the skin through cuts, abrasions, burns, or other types of skin trauma. The disease is caused by a series of microorganisms called mucormicetes. They are naturally present in the environment and are mainly found in rotten organic matter such as soil, leaves, compost and mountains.

In a normal course, the body’s immune system can successfully fight such fungal infections. However, covid-19 does affect the immune system. In addition, treatment of covid-19 patients includes the intake of drugs such as dexamethasone, which suppresses the response of the immune system. Due to these factors, covid-19 patients face a new risk of failing to combat attacks by organisms such as Mucormaisetes.

In addition, covid-19 patients receiving oxygen therapy in ICUs where humidifiers are used are more susceptible to fungal infections due to exposure to moisture.

Meanwhile, over 2,76,110 new daily cases have been enrolled in the last 24 hours. The 10 states reported 77.17% of new cases in the last 24 hours. According to the Ministry of Health, Tamil Nadu has the highest number of new cases per day at 34,875, followed by Karnataka at 34,281. Similarly, 3,874 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours. Ten states account for 72.25% of new deaths. The largest casualties in Maharashtra (594 people). Karnataka kills 468 people every day.

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