Bacteriophage virus may help fight antibiotic-resistant strains
Understanding the interactions between pathogens can help you understand how pathogens behave towards others, and even use them for your own benefit.
Tel’s new research Aviv The University (TAU) has discovered a process that can utilize the “good” virus. Antibiotic resistance Bacteria. In particular, it blocks the ability of bacteria to replicate without damaging themselves, demonstrating the ability to distinguish between enemies and allies on a microscale.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Antibiotic resistance occurs when pathogens, such as bacteria and fungi, are no longer defeated by drugs aimed at killing them. Taking antibiotics can continue to grow in the host unimpeded, pose a health risk, and lead to more serious conditions.
CDC also at least 2.8 1 million people infected in the U.S. Antibiotic resistance Bacteria or fungi, more than 35,000 People who die of complications.
However, this has been a foreseen problem since the advent of modern antibiotics. In the article I looked upAntibiotic resistance crisisSir Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, had already sounded the alarm in 1945. Scottish microbiologists warned that one day the general public would “enter an era of abuse.” Certain strains have developed resistance to drugs designed to stop them.
Use of natural processes to fight bacteria
The TAU team has a potential solution Antibiotic resistance Bacteria It is possible if you understand the method further Bacteriophage It works correctly.Ah Bacteriophage -Or Eat bacteria Viruses-A potentially new way to fight bacterial pathogens. In their study, researchers report: Bacteriophage Protein DNA repair protein Antibiotic resistance Bacteria cut off the ability of pathogens to repair themselves.
” Bacteriophage Taking advantage of the need for bacterial DNA repair Bacteriophage As such, there is no need for this type of specific repair, “explains the professor. WoodyKimron, One of the lead authors of the TAU study, In a university press release. “In this way, Bacteriophage Destroy the bacteria without damaging them. “
Kimron Keep in mind that the ability to distinguish oneself from others is inherently important and has a variety of biological applications. For example, it spells out the difference in the ability of drugs to neutralize pathogens without harming the surrounding human cells. Another example is our own immune system, which protects us from external microbes. When this ability is reduced, the body causes an autoimmune disease that utilizes the immune response to its cells.
In their study, researchers found a way to identify bacteria that are not affected by this mechanism. Antibiotic resistance stock. This allowed them to identify which specific mechanisms of these pathogens were affected. Bacteriophage Virus.
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