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Covid Vaccine for Kids: Everything You Need to Know About Jab for Kids

Covid Vaccine for Kids: Everything You Need to Know About Jab for Kids


It is still unclear whether teens and children will be vaccinated with jabs, as the Covid vaccination program goes through the final stages of people under the age of 30.

Experts from the Institute for Genomic Research and Immunization (JCVI) have not yet announced whether children and teens need to be jabed.

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Israeli teens (12-15 years old) are currently being vaccinated with coronavirus vaccine


Israeli teens (12-15 years old) are currently being vaccinated with coronavirus vaccineCredit: AP

But yesterday, the Cabinet Minister suggested that JCVI decided not to give a go-ahead.

International Trade Minister Liz Truss told BBC Breakfast: “Of course, the government will consider JCVI’s recommendations very closely.

“It’s my understanding that they don’t recommend vaccinations under the age of 18, and I’ll talk more about that soon.”

An official spokesman for the Prime Minister said JCVI “has not commented at this stage.”

“We are waiting for a recommendation from JCVI following the MHRA decision … We have always followed JCVI’s advice on prioritization and are waiting for that recommendation,” they said.

JCVI has several factors to consider in order to make a decision.

Professor Anthony Harnden, Vice Chairman of JCVI, previously stated that there is an “ethical dilemma” when it comes to immunizing children.

The agency will probably offer the government a variety of options.

The ministers then decide how to proceed with jabing young people, with the United States, Israel and Italy already ahead.

Scholars have been discussing this issue for weeks, but recently it has been at the forefront as people over the age of 18 will be invited this week.

“There are many good reasons” to give children a covid jab, said Matt Hancock of the Department of Health.

But he said, “We will also be very careful and want to listen to scientific advice on what approach to take.”

How effective is a child’s vaccine?

There are various trials of major vaccines ongoing in children.

Pfizer and Moderna have so far revealed results and are promising.

Trial found both Pfizer And Modern jab It was 100% effective in preventing Covid’s disease between the ages of 12 and 15.

When Moderna looked for mild cases after a single dose, the vaccine was still shown to be 93% effective.

AstraZeneca was testing children aged 6 to 17 in the UK, Recently stopped by Rare side effects of blood clots In young adults.

Johnson & Johnson is testing children aged 12-18, and tests for children aged 6 months to 11 are also being conducted by Moderna and Pfizer.

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effects in children aged 12 to 15 are: Similar to people over 16 years old, Pfizer’s study showed.

These include injection site pain, malaise, headaches, muscle and joint pain, chills, and fever.

These effects are usually mild or moderate and improve within a few days.

When do children get the Covid vaccine?

After Pfizer’s amazing results in March, the UK medicines and healthcare regulator, MHRA, approved jabs for children aged 12 to 15 in early June.

Moderna is also applying for approval of jabs for people between the ages of 12 and 17.

After approval, JCVI will advise the government on the best use of jabs.

The Italian Medicines Agency AIFA has approved a Pfizer vaccine for young people between the ages of 12 and 15.Photo: Boy gets a jab on June 6th


The Italian Medicines Agency AIFA has approved a Pfizer vaccine for young people between the ages of 12 and 15.Photo: Boy gets a jab on June 6thCredit: EPA

Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi told LBC Radio at the end of May that “infrastructure is ready” for vaccination of children and teens.

But he said the decision was at JCVI.

It was reported that the vaccine could be deployed in more than 12 seconds given green light. As early as the second half of August, The Sunday Telegraph reported that government sources are saying.

So what is the decision based on, as everything is in place to give the kids jabs?

1. Is it safe?

Stephen Evans, a professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine, said the benefits of vaccines for children are “minimal” and therefore may be more important than risk. Said.

He states: “It’s a complicated question for JCVI. Are you sure that if the benefits to individual vaccinated children are very low, there is no very rare harm they can suffer?

“If so, it could be out of balance with the child.”

Professor Evans said the risk balance to benefits could change during vaccination. AstraZeneca jabs were associated with thrombosis in young adults..

“Countries that decide to vaccinate their children may generate that knowledge, but that is not clear until millions of children are vaccinated,” he added.

Professor Hahnden emphasized, “We must be absolutely confident that the benefits to them (children) and their potential to society far outweigh the risks.”

2.2. Impact on the real world

Some wonder if it is worth giving a vaccine to a child with little clinical benefit.

Professor Evans said: “Children have a very low risk of adverse consequences of Covid, especially death.

“Vaccination of them will bring great benefits to other people, including adults, including teachers who may be infected with the virus if the children themselves are infected.

“It is not certain that vaccination of children will significantly reduce the chances of transmitting the virus to others …”


Calum Semple, a professor of child health and developmental medicine at the University of Liverpool, said the risk of child death is literally “one millionth.”

He told BBC Radio 4 Today’s program on June 16th: To 14 million children in the UK.

“That’s why we’re talking here primarily about immunizing children to protect public health and reduce infections.”

Preventing infection can reduce the risk of an adult being infected with the virus. This is because the jab did not work, refused to provide the jab, or the virus was not available for medical reasons.

However, children are not thought to spread the virus as much as adults, so there is even debate about whether to vaccinate to reduce the spread.

3.3. ethics

When millions of adults around the world are waiting for a jab, many scientists and MPs likewise disagree with vaccination of children who are unlikely to get sick with Covid. ..

Covid cases are still very common in poor countries where vaccination programs are slow.

The director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, who helped develop the Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab, said providing jabs to children in wealthy countries was “morally wrong.”

Professor Andrew Pollard told the MP’s Science and Technology Commission on June 16:

“As we know in many parts of the world, some people will die in the next three months due to the lack of vaccines.

“When we take a global perspective, our priorities need to save lives around the world and deliver doses to people at greater risk as soon as possible.”

Even celebrities support why wealthy countries share their doses.

David Beckham, Olivia Colman, Orlando Bloom, Whoopi Goldberg, and Billie Eilish are a group of celebrities and UNICEF ambassadors who wrote to world leaders calling for action.

Professor Devi Sridhar, Dean of the University of Edinburgh's Department of Global Public Health, argued that vaccination of children could prevent the outbreak of Covid in schools.


Professor Devi Sridhar, Dean of the University of Edinburgh’s Department of Global Public Health, argued that vaccination of children could prevent the outbreak of Covid in schools.Credit: AFP

UNICEF warned that the world is at risk for new Covid variants in the future without ensuring a “fair and equitable” supply of jabs. This can also affect the UK.

Hancock signaled that it was his “first duty” to see children in the UK vaccinated, rather than donating doses to developing countries.

Professor Devi Sridhar, Dean of the University of Edinburgh’s Department of Global Public Health, suggested that there are enough jabs to not only cover children but also help other countries.

According to Professor Sridal, children are unlikely to be given AstraZeneca and can be sent to foreign countries.

She added: “We have a supply. It’s not a large amount. It’s millions of doses to cover a population of 12 or more.”

Dr. Susan Hopkins of the UK Public Health Services agreed on the issue that the number of vaccines needed for vaccination between the ages of 12 and 18 “does not solve the global vaccine”.

4.4. Benefits for kids

Professor Sridhar argued that vaccination of children could prevent the outbreak of Covid in schools and thus prevent home study due to self-isolation.

She told Good Morning Britain on June 7th: The next few weeks are too late.

“If you know that your children can get infected, the place where problems can occur in the future is not in the care facility, not in the hospital, but in the school. This is where you go. Because it’s a place. To see a large group of unvaccinated children together. “

Longcovid also affects children It gets the coronavirus, but it is very rare, according to research.

“We need to figure out what the benefits of actually vaccination of children for their own health are,” said Dr. Hopkins of PHE on June 16. “At this point, it’s small.”

But she said, “especially teenagers are clearly at risk of long covids.”

5. Herd immunity

Professor David King, a former chief scientific adviser to the government, called on the minister to deploy jabs “quickly” to people over the age of twelve.

Without urgency, Sir David came up with the idea that the government was secretly planning herd immunity to increase youth.

He told Sky News: “If you like, ask the government. Do they really believe in herd immunity for school children?

“That’s why they say” remove the mask. ” Then the disease spreads rapidly and everyone gains immunity from the disease.

“If it’s a policy, shouldn’t we honestly say it’s a policy?”

Herd immunity (when a defense bubble occurs because so many people have immunity to the disease) is a controversial strategy because it means more diseases.

Professor Adam Finn, part of an organization that advises the government on vaccines, said vaccination of children may not be justified if sufficient immunity is built through an adult vaccination program. I got it.

He told Good Morning Britain on June 7th: “If we actually find that adult-induced immunity can indirectly protect children, there is no clear justification for immunizing, or at least immunizing all children.”

Pfizer Covid Jab has been approved by British children to boost vaccine blitz as a “young strike epidemic”

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