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Aviation sector measures on expected routes


The three key announcements from Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman regarding the civil aviation sector were considered to be those on the expected lines, while the announcement on the MRO (maintenance, repair and operations) was Need more clarity on tax incentives, said industry experts. They said the measures were positive for the sector.

The announcements are on the expected lines. MROs, more airports in PPP mode and flexible use of airspace are on the government’s agenda. We can expect better implementation and execution, said Kapil Kaul, CEO and director of CAPA Advisory.

There is probably no relief [for the airline industry] and a reduction in the industry’s workforce in the medium and long term is inevitable unless promoters are able to recapitalize significantly. The industry has promised nothing from the government and it will now have to look inside for results, said Kaul.

Commenting on the announcements, GVK Reddy, founder and president of the GVK group, said: The decision to invite PPP to six other airports will provide AAI with the resources to develop smaller airports across the country and popularize the government’s program. Udaan.

The plan to make India a global hub for MRO will ensure valuable currency savings and allow Indian airlines to have their aircraft repaired locally, he said.

Vasudevan. S, partner of Infrastructure Government and Healthcare, KPMG in India, said that streamlining the tax structure of MRO was a long-standing demand of the industry and it is good to see that this is finally happening, but it takes do more to create a level. rules of the game, attracting foreign investments and making them profitable. If only FM can extend the benefit to cover reduced input taxes and exemptions at least for exported services, as with other industries, this will be a game-changer.

The biggest benefit will be its ability to create new jobs and a strong global value chain with the civil defense trade interface, which remains limited and underutilized, he said.

Sujoy Bhatia, partner and director of Corporate, Chandhiok and Mahajan, has said that the airport’s privatization in India has a turbulent history. India has recently privatized six airports, all of which have been awarded to the Adani group by tender. The main concern of privatizing airports here is in which cities? For an airport to be successfully privatized, it must have the type of volumes necessary to ensure that the entity winning the bid actually earns money.

The only cities that could potentially do the trick are Chennai and Kolkata. However, these cities were on the block of privatization in 2014, and none of them could move forward due to local resistance, he said.

After COVID-19, it appears that the state governments of these two cities are unlikely to allow private parties to take control of these assets. Therefore, if there are no viable cities for which privatization could be viable, the Indian government’s decision could be difficult to implement, he added.

Vishesh C. Chandiok, CEO of Grant Thornton India, said, “We need to see more details on tax simplification, which will help make India an MRO hub. I would also have liked to have heard more relief measures for the civil aviation sector to keep it alive after COVID-19.

Arvind Sharma, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, said: Better infrastructure should make air travel more accessible and there is a huge opportunity in this sector.

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