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McFit gets a makeover | HCM design

McFit gets a makeover |  HCM design


The launch of McFit in 1997 reset the industry and opened up incredible areas of growth

When the late, great Rainer Schaller came up with the idea for McFit in the mid-1990s, the health and fitness industry in Europe was approaching a stagnation in its economic life cycle. not far away from.

This general malaise was exacerbated by the recession that gripped the world in the early 1990s, making it a volatile time for the sector.

The launch of McFit in 1997 set out to change that, resetting the industry and unlocking incredible growth areas with the new budget pricing model that brought the use of health clubs within the reach of the majority of the population by removing much of the price resistance, with Schaller's ambition to make fitness training affordable for everyone.

The first location
The first McFit was based in Bavaria and as word of it spread through the industry, the club became a magnet for operators and investors, interested in seeing the new business model in action and understanding its potential.

As it turned out, Schaller had a ten year head start with McFit, but over the next decade entrepreneurs began launching their own budget concepts, John Treharne at The Gym Group in 2007; Jan Spatichia at nergie and JJB at MiFit in 2008; Peter Roberts with PureGym and James Caan with Nuyuu in 2009; Spatichia rejoined FitLess (later Fit4Less) in 2010; and Mike Balfours Fitness First budget concept, Klick Fitness, in 2011, the same year Rene Moos opened the first Basic-Fit. These were some of the early pioneers. Some survived and thrived. Some don't.

But it's hard to find a pioneer, especially when that person is Rainer Schaller and they are ten years ahead of the competition and so McFit steadily scaled up, reaching 243 clubs in 2017, when HCM spoke to the top

After pioneering the industry and growing the McFit brand, Schaller expanded his mandate by renaming the company formerly The McFit Group to the eponymous Rainer Schaller Group (RSG) and launching companies and brands across a range of healthcare and fitness industries until his untimely death in October 2022. , only 53 years old.

The product of creative imagination, these multiple concepts include everything from the high-end John Reed and Heimat to John & Janes and Golds Gym. There was also a super-budget concept, HIGH5, which McFit undercut, as well as restaurants, nightclubs, fittech and food companies and modeling agencies within the diverse group.

Although many health club companies have surpassed McFit in size, the brand is still hailed as a game changer. The news that the estate is getting a big overall has got HCM interested and here we share with you the new look and feel for the McFit estate playful, bright and social, which is currently being rolled out across all clubs after tests in Vienna, Austria and Heilbronn , Germany.

In addition to retooling the clubs, RSG continues to refine its McFit portfolio, having just sold its 47 Spanish clubs to Basic-Fit in a deal that closed on March 27.

The original, low-cost gym concept is getting its third major makeover since its founding in 1996, with the opening of its first club in Cologne. Liz Terry takes a look




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