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Governor Abbott announces new Eastman investment in Longview | Texas Governor's Office

Governor Abbott announces new Eastman investment in Longview |  Texas Governor's Office


March 25, 2024 | Austin, TX | Press release

Governor Greg Abbott announced today that Eastman will add an additional manufacturing facility to its existing Longview, Texas location. Eastman produces specialty materials found in items people use every day around the world, such as eyewear, cosmetic packaging, medical equipment, textiles, films, coatings, and more. The project will create more than 200 new jobs and approximately $1.2 billion in capital investment. A Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) grant of $2,040,000 was awarded to Eastman for the project.
“Texas is where businesses thrive and people thrive,” said Governor Abbott. “With our highly skilled workforce, unmatched business climate and reasonable regulations, it's no surprise that companies from around the world continue to choose to expand in Texas. This additional Eastman facility in Longview will bring hundreds of good-paying jobs to hard-working Texans and millions in capital investment to East Texas. I thank members of the Texas Legislature and local leaders for their tireless work to attract world-class business investment to our great state. Together, we will continue to create a bigger and better Texas for generations to come.
“Congratulations on the Eastman facility in Longview,” said Senator Bryan Hughes. “This grant will support the creation of several hundred jobs and represents a significant capital investment. I thank CEO Mark Costa and the Eastman Board of Directors for selecting Longview over sites across the country. I thank Governor Abbott for his strong leadership in supporting Texas businesses.
“It was a true honor for me to work with the Eastman team to bring this world-class investment in molecular recycling to Longview,” said State Representative Jay Dean. “This is an economic development victory for our East Texas communities. My sincere thanks to our Governor, Greg Abbott, for his leadership on this project and for once again helping to bring a great opportunity to the State of Texas.
“We deeply appreciate the support of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas for their continued collaboration as we announce this significant investment in our Longview facility,” said Mark Costa, Chairman and CEO of Eastman . “We are excited to work with the state and continue our legacy in Texas for generations to come by building this global-scale factory that will eliminate significant plastic waste from the region and create true circularity while establishing a new benchmark in decarbonization.
“I am pleased to announce Eastman's plans to make such a significant investment in its Longview facility,” said Longview Mayor Andy Mack. “Out of all the places in the United States, they chose us and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful.” This new facility will create approximately 200 good-paying full-time jobs in the community and approximately 1,000 temporary construction jobs during the construction process, who will eat in our restaurants, stay in our hotels and provide an overall economic boom for our economy. I applaud the hard work of the City of Longview, Longview Economic Development Corporation, Gregg County, Harrison County, the Hallsville ISD Board of Trustees and Governor Greg Abbott for working together creatively in partnering with Eastman to improve our community and region for decades to come. . Without Governor Abbott's continued advocacy and support in Longview, I am certain this project would never have come to fruition.
“East Texas has a reason to rejoice today,” Harrison County Judge Chad Simms said. “Eastman has been a foundational business in Harrison County since the 1950s. Over the years, Eastman has not only been a great community partner, a supporter of other businesses. , schools and our young people, but has also provided livelihoods for many families. Today’s announcement of an additional facility at their current location in Longview gives the communities of Gregg and Harrison counties hope for many more generations of Eastman employees. Join me and Harrison County Commissioners as we welcome this expansion of Eastman into our community. We look forward to Eastman’s success continuing into the future. »
“It is with the greatest gratitude that Eastman decision-makers have chosen Longview, Texas, to expand their business,” said Gregg County Judge Bill Stoudt. “This is a game changer for East Texas.”
“Eastman is a long-standing institution in Longview, Texas, and we are beyond honored that they have chosen the Longview location for their newest expansion project,” said Wayne Mansfield, President and CEO. management of Longview Economic Development Corp. “Nothing makes us more proud than when a traditional industry recognizes the strengths of our workforce, infrastructure and overall business climate by choosing to make new investments in our community. Eastman's trust in our region is revered, and our partnership will continue to grow to new heights as they integrate the circular economy into the heart of Longview. I can say on behalf of the Longview Economic Development Board and the LEDCO team that we are proud of the partnership we share with Eastman and our community partners.
Learn more about Eastman.




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