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Singapore funds innovative technologies for climate-resilient infrastructure in small island developing states

Singapore funds innovative technologies for climate-resilient infrastructure in small island developing states


According to the United Nations, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are bearing the brunt of the climate crisis, accounting for more than 60% of countries most affected by climate-related disasters.

There are currently 39 SIDS across the Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and South China Sea.

Transport has been identified as a key development priority in building more climate-resilient infrastructure. Image: Camber.

Recognizing the unique and special vulnerabilities of SIDS, Singapore's Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and UNDP are collaborating on two calls for data-driven innovations to manage coastal risks and transport infrastructure.

Selected innovators will receive funding worth S$25,000 (US$18,394) per call to test and iterate their solutions in partnership with SIDS, UNDP and other partners.

According to UNDP's official statement, transport of people and goods is a key development priority, but remains a challenge for SIDS due to its high cost and complexity.

The effects of climate change will exacerbate risks to transportation infrastructure, such as flooding, coastal erosion, and high temperatures.

Focus on a data-driven approach

Both calls focus on data-driven approaches to improving coastal risk management and the resilience of transport infrastructure.

In Fiji, satellite data is currently being used alongside geospatial intelligence and machine learning solutions to analyze and assess climate-related changes over time in aspects such as sea level rise, flooding and coastal management. .

When it comes to transport infrastructure, expanding road networks can be costly and disruptive for SIDS with poor land resources. However, intelligent traffic management systems can help optimize the planning and use of transportation systems.

These examples are highlighted in UNDP's recently published report on the role of digital in facilitating the development of SIDS, which places core digital and Data infrastructure is highlighted.

Innovation call details

Innovators can leverage existing data sources or develop tools to collect and analyze more accurate data for their solutions, UNDP's promotional post explains.

There are currently two appeals posted on IMDA's OIP website. Image: IMDA's Open Innovation Platform (OIP).

In coastal risk management, this innovation should improve the measurement of the relationship between land height and sea level. The solution will be tested and iterated first on Pacific SIDS and potentially extended to other SIDs.

In the case of transport infrastructure, this innovation should contribute to more accurate maps to improve the management and utilization of SIDS infrastructure and assets, such as roads, footpaths, rail networks, runways, airports and bus stops.

Innovations are also evaluated based on their ability to enable future investments, plans, and priorities.

The call will be hosted on IMDA's Open Innovation Platform (OIP), a virtual crowdsourcing platform that matches innovations with problem statements.

The two problem statements are currently posted on the OIP website, and the call targets innovative technologies and ways to address the problem statements.

Calls will end at 4:00 PM (GMT +8) on April 26, 2024.




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