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Copenhagen stunned by devastating fire at stock exchange, as police launch investigation into blaze

Copenhagen stunned by devastating fire at stock exchange, as police launch investigation into blaze



Police on Wednesday opened an investigation into a fire that gutted Copenhagen's famous stock exchange building, causing its spire to collapse and damaging centuries-old artwork and architecture.

The fire was still burning Wednesday afternoon, more than 24 hours after it started, and authorities and citizens of the Danish capital are beginning to expect the loss of one of the city's most recognizable landmarks.

Local firefighters continued to try to extinguish the blaze, which ravaged the building known locally as Brsen on Tuesday morning, reaching all its floors and causing a long-standing dragon's tail spire to collapse. a symbol of the city.

The walls of the building are still standing, but the interior has been significantly damaged and the roof is partially collapsed. Firefighters used cranes to hose down the building.

Copenhagen police meanwhile opened an investigation on Wednesday which they say will be a complicated process. Officer Brian Belling said authorities have already conducted interviews, conducted surveillance and conducted a large number of investigative measures.

The 17th century building was a Danish landmark and an example of Renaissance architecture.

But of course, there is still a lot to do, especially since we have not yet had the opportunity to examine Brsen herself, Belling added.

The 17th-century building exemplifies the Dutch Renaissance style and housed a number of works of art, some of which were rescued on Tuesday.

Residents were stunned by the outbreak, which recalled the fire that ravaged Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris exactly five years and a day earlier.

My first thought was (that) I hope they rebuild it, it will never be the same but it is an icon in Copenhagen and Denmark, teacher Eva Simoni Lomholdt, 58, told Reuters.

People rushed to collect artwork from the building on Tuesday.

Brian Mikkelsen, CEO of the Danish Chamber of Commerce which owns the building, told the news agency that a firefighter handed him the top of the spire on Wednesday morning after it was recovered following its fall.

This gives me hope because we decided to rebuild the stock exchange because it is part of European history as a commercial continent, he said.

The Old Stock Exchange located just a few minutes' walk from ChristiansborgPalace dates back to 1625. It was built in the Dutch Renaissance style at the request of King Christian IV and has recently undergone renovations with its facade covered in scaffolding and protective coatings.

Since then, it has been at the heart of Danish affairs; although it no longer houses the Danish Stock Exchange, it serves as the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Tuesday that a piece of Danish history was on fire, calling the building irreplaceable.

Danish Culture Minister Jakob Engel-Schmidt added that 400 years of cultural heritage had been damaged.

How touching it is to see how Brsen employees, good people from the emergency services and passers-by work together to save artistic treasures and iconic images from the burning building, he said in a message on , formerly Twitter.




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