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DoorDash to Offer On-Demand Delivery of COVID-19 Test Kits


(NEXSTAR) DoorDash, the service many relied on to have food delivered to their doors during the pandemic, has unveiled its latest on-demand offering of COVID-19 test kits.

DoorDash’s two options, a saliva test from Vault Health and a lower nasal swab test from Everlywell will first be available in 12 U.S. markets and more in the coming months, the company said in A press release. The US cities included in these markets are Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Minneapolis, and Phoenix, among others.

Customers living in 20 markets can also order Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assays directly from the Vault Health website and have DoorDash deliver same day. PCR is considered the “gold standard” of COVID tests because of their accuracy and reliability in detecting genetic material, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

The Vault Health kit sells for $ 119 and Everlywell for $ 109, a cost that can be reimbursed by insurance. The FDA has granted emergency use authorization for both kits. DoorDash users can find the products in DashMart, a service that provides both essential household items as well as local restaurant dishes.

Vault makes diagnostic testing easy, comfortable, and super fast in the United States. Our partnership with DoorDash unlocks same-day access to our easy-to-collect COVID saliva test, allowing a patient to spit into a tube and receive their results within 24 hours to take them back to travel, work, home. school and family, said Jason Feldman, founder and CEO of Vault.


DoorDash said it plans to expand its health and wellness business after working during the COVID-19 pandemic to deliver drugs on demand, both over-the-counter and on prescription.

As much as 30 percent of people skip doctor’s appointments because they don’t have a reliable way to get there, said Dr Marisa Cruz, clinical affairs manager at Everlywell and former senior medical adviser for digital health at the FDA. The fact that you can now get a kit delivered to your door in a matter of hours, quickly collect a sample and drop your kit in the mail, then receive an accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 and talk to a doctor about the next steps in as little as 24 hours later is an important step forward for public health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn that viral tests only tell you if you are infected when you take the test, and if your test is negative, you may still be infected.

DoorDash has included the following details on the test kit options:

Vault Health COVID-19 Saliva Test Kit:

  • Test Type: Remote Supervised Video Saliva Sample Collection with Doctor Vault
  • FDA Cleared: Yes **, for symptomatic and asymptomatic testing
  • Supervision included: Yes
  • Time to results: 2448 hours after the sample arrives at the laboratory via overnight delivery
  • Price: $ 119, reimbursable by insurance
  • Same Day Delivery Available: Yes, through the DoorDash Marketplace app and through the Vault Healths website powered by DoorDash Drive
  • Available at participating DashMart locations: Yes

** The Vault Health COVID-19 Test Kit has been cleared by the FDA under an EUA. Read more on

Everlywell COVID-19 Test DTC Home Collection Kit:

  • Test type: soft lower nasal swab
  • FDA Cleared: Yes **, for symptomatic and asymptomatic testing
  • Supervision Required: No
  • Time to results: 2448 hours after the sample arrives at the laboratory via overnight delivery
  • Price: $ 109, reimbursable by insurance
  • Same Day Delivery Available: Yes, via the DoorDash Marketplace App
  • Available at participating DashMart locations: Yes

** The DTC Everlywell COVID-19 Test Home Collection Kit has not been cleared or approved by the FDA. This home collection kit has been cleared by the FDA under an EUA. Read more on

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