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Pedro Rebollo, theater, film and television actor, dies at 59 of cancer



The playwright and theater critic has also appeared in television series such as ‘Ada’, ‘El Comisario’ and ‘Los Serrano’

Aragonese actor Pedro Rebollo.
Aragonese actor Pedro Rebollo.@uniondeactores

Longtime actor, playwright, director and theater critic Pedro Rebollo died on Thursday, December 30, at the age of 59, from cancer.

He has combined his work as a theater actor with roles in some of the most popular television series, such as There are,Commissioner the The Serrano, among other things, which led him to live on horseback between Zaragoza, the city where he was born in 1962, and Madrid.

He always said he was not looking for success, but “to live my life as an actor”. He was the partner of Zaragoza actress Laura Plano, with whom he had his only daughter.

Professional actor since 1983 and trained in Zaragoza Municipal Theater SchoolRebollo has worked with almost all Aragonese companies, such as Teatro del Temple, Tranva Teatro, Teatro de la Ribera, Teatro Arbol or Teatro Imaginario.

At present, he directs several theater troupes in the municipal theater and dance workshops of Huesca and was part of the artistic team of the company Viridiana, directed by Jess Arbus ..

In the last few months represented on the tables the adaptation of Yellow rain, the novel that Julio Llamazares published in 1988, with a text adapted and produced by Arbus himself.

His latest theatrical works include Can de Saramago (Teatro Arbol, 2019), Light luggage. Retirement (Viridiana Productions, 2014), Life is a Dream (Dramatic Center of Aragon), The public (Temple Theater, 2008) and The old Man and the Sea (Teatro Arbol, 2007) and Bohemian lights (Temple Theater, 2002),

Memorable was his performance in The night just before the woods, a monologue by the author Bernard-Marie Kolts, premiered at the Teatro del Mercado in Zaragoza in 2007, directed by Luis Merchn.

By his interpretation he was nominated for the max awards: Rebollo puts himself in the shoes of a Moroccan abroad who finally decides not to be silent.

In this regard, he stressed: “What I like is explaining the world and then people who see me tell me that thanks to what I said, they understood reality better.

Was the founder, with Javier Aranda, of the Centro Dramtico del Desierto. 2013.

Pedro Rebollo has also participated in films such as Requiem for a peasantSpanish, by Francesc Betriu, The bride, by Paula Ortiz, Planet 5000, by Carlos Val or the short film Soloby Lorenzo Montull.

It was common in television series, among others, Central Hospital, Ada, El Comisario, Los Serrano, Red Eagle, Doctor Mateo, El Internado, Paco’s Men, Time between the seams, One of the zombies .

The Aragn Film Academy expressed its “deep regret for the death of actor Pedro Rebollo. A big hug to family and friends. Many were his extraordinary works in the theater world. We remember with one particular affection for the nomination he obtained in 2020 at the Simn del Cine Aragons Prize for his role in Planet 5000“.

Director Jess Arbus, one of Rebollo’s closest people, reminds him how “an extraordinary actor, one of the best Aragn has given by far “.

He said he was “very cultured and intelligent, he knew how to forcefully spread his illusion when he got excited about a project.”

Esteban Villarrocha, director, partner and friend of Pedro, assures that “when he goes on stage had special magicL”.

He described him as “one of the best and most talented actors I have seen on a stage in a theater” and recalled that on one occasion critics rated him as “the best actor in his generation ”.

Pedro Rebollo and Esteban Villarrocha met at the institute and from then on went hand in hand. Together they shaped Can de Saramago, where Pedro imitated the voice of the Portuguese writer with a striking resemblance.

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