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First photo of Anushka Sharma’s daughter Vamika goes viral, shocking accusation against Salman Khan by neighbor and more


Top Bollywood News

All of our favorite Bollywood celebrities were buzzing throughout the day. While some fans updated through their social media accounts, others were the recipients of extremely shocking accusations. Either way, if you didn’t manage to keep up with everything that happened in B-Town today, then don’t worry, because we’re here!

Take a look at today’s edition of Top bollywood news and catch up on anything you may have missed throughout the day:

The first photo of Vamika goes viral:

Anushka Sharma with her daughter Vamika
Anushka Sharma with her daughter Vamika

Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma may have tried to keep their daughter’s privacy intact as much as possible, but today her very first photo was leaked on social media, causing mixed feelings about it. The trio are currently in South Africa and during one of the matches, Vamika and Anushka’s photo was clicked and shared by several Twitter users. While people have been praising their adorable baby, others are furious that her photo wasn’t blurred as the parents wanted.

Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal wrap up Laxman Utekar’s upcoming:

Actor Sharib Hashmi recently revealed that Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan’s untitled film has wrapped filming in Indore. A BTS snap of the same has garnered a lot of attention online for the crew’s happy smiles.

Priyanka and Nick want to have more children?

The beloved couple only recently welcomed their first child, but reports are buzzing with news of the duo wanting more children in the future. An insider told Us Weekly that the celebrity duo’s friends are “excited” for the new parents and that the married couple want to have even more children in the future.

Sussanne Khan joins ex-husband Hrithik Roshan for her sister’s birthday:

Hrithik Roshan posed alongside his ex-wife Sussanne Khan in a recent snap as they reunited for his sister Sunaina Roshan’s birthday. Sussanne shared a photo of herself posing with Sunaina and Hrithik. Alongside the photo, she wrote, “Some bonds are forever, even darling Nikoo. Happiness and big smiles ALWAYS surround you. @Sunainaroshan @Hrithikroshan.”

Salman KhanThe neighbor’s shocking accusation of:

Salman Khan’s neighbor Ketan Kakkad, who owns land near the actor’s Panvel farm, has made shocking and serious allegations against the Bollywood superstar alleging that bodies of movie stars are buried “in the property of Actor Salman has filed a lawsuit against Kakkad and it is currently pending.

That’s all for today! Stay tuned for more updates on all your favorite B-Town celebrities.




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