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Bollywood Buzz: business, divorce, sedition, pole dancing and much more | Bollywood


MUMBAIAkshay Kumaradded pole dance to his fitness routine, after doing it in part for a song, Subah Hone Na De in Desi Boyz (2011). The actor likes to vary his fitness routines to include yoga, martial arts, kickboxing, volleyball, biking, and swimming.

Varun Dhawanwould have become very nervous after flops in a row (October, Sui DhaagaMade In India promoted as a success, Kalank and now Street Dancer 3D) that he chose not to make buddies Shashank Khaitans Mr. Lele and signed a film, on the advice of dad David Dhawan, with SriramBadlapur Raghavan.

The government of Maharashtra announced an award named after famous Hindi and Marathi film and theater actor Dr. Shriram Lagoofor important work in the Marathi theater.

Tanishaacelebrated it 42North Dakotabirthday in Alibag with mom Tanujaand his besties, splashing in a swimming pool of the complex. Sister Kajoland brother-in-law AjayDevgnwas unable to do so due to work commitments.

Asur, which went live on Voot on March 3, marks the digital debut of Arshad Warsi, and is a tale that mixes Indian mythology and forensic science.

Apparently, Salman khanreceived the highest fees of all endorsements. 7 crore per day for a few days! For an ad he makes for a Chinese smartphone!

A resident of North India has filed a complaint against a writer JavedAkhtar, for denouncing the murder of the head of the PAA, Tahir Hussain, and accused the official forces of selectively targeting him in the riots in Delhi.

Neena Gupta recently spoke about not falling in love with a married man, which she had done over two decades ago with a cricketer Vivian Richards, because he said he didn't get along with his wife. Both have a daughter, Masaba, now a celebrity, while Gupta married a businessman Vivek Mehra.

A movie theater in Osaka, Japan, which was closing, screened 3 Idiots as the final film.

Akshay Kumarand Salman Khan met while shooting their respective films and did not even discuss the Laxmmi Bomb-Radhe clash on Eid 2020. Two films can easily fit on 6000 screens, says Kumar.

Raghuveer YadavS wife, Purnima Kharga, 60, formerly internationally renowned dancer Kathak, has filed for divorce, alimony and alimony after living away from him since 1995! The actor is 70 years old and they have a 30 year old son.

Aamir Khan is in talks with Amazon Priem Video for a multi-series magnum opus on the Net.

Salman Khan plays a no-nonsense Sikh cop in Abhiraj Minawalas next, which features the brother-in-law Aayush Sharmalike a dreaded gangster. Minawala and Sharma both made their debut with Loveyatri (2018) that Khan had produced.

Best unknown friends in the industry are Katrina Kaifand Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who both did Agneepath without sharing a frame: Kaif offered Jonas cosmetics from his own make-up brand. The two have known each other for 17 years since they took Kathak lessons together.

Salman Khans ex-flame Sangeeta Bijlaniand protect Daisy shahare also best friends. They even share the same gymnasium and spend time together.

A hilarious end of year outing will be Dinesh Vijans new film directed by Abhishek Jain, who directed Bey Yaar, the first Gujarati film to be released in 12 countries. Paresh rawal team up with Dimple Kapadia, as an elderly couple adopted by two orphans, Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Sanon, who are in love!

Two songs from Bhool Bhulaiya 2007 will be incorporated into the suite. One, Dholna, will be reconstituted by Tabu.

The buzz is that Ajay Devgnpartners again with co-star Drishyam Shriya Saran, in S.S. Rajamoulis RRR.

Divyang Thakkar, who directs Yash Raj Films Jayeshbhai Jordaar was a protg of Ratna Pathak Shah at the theater and now directs her in the film Ranveer Singhs mother.

Jean Abrahamwill play a gangster who became a taxi driver in the Hindi remake of the Tamil blockbuster Vedalam. Rohit Dhawandirects it for the third time after Desi Boyz and Dishoom.

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