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Governor Holcomb announces Google is building a $2 billion data center in northeast Indiana

Governor Holcomb announces Google is building a $2 billion data center in northeast Indiana


New data center solidifies Indiana as a leader in next-generation AI and the economy of the future

Governor Eric J. Holcomb today joined Indiana Secretary of Commerce David Rosenberg and Google (NYSE: GOOG) executives to establish a new $2 billion data center in Fort Wayne and support the company's AI innovations. announced plans to accelerate Google Cloud and grow its business for customers nationwide. world.

Gov. Holcomb said Indiana has made fostering the economy of the future a strategic priority and is already seeing the impact of that effort thanks to partnerships with companies like Google. Not only did Google choose Indiana to power its global AI and cloud infrastructure, we were excited to see that the company is already making significant investments in Northeast Indiana communities. These efforts will help upskill Hoosier employees and prepare residents for the jobs of the future. And at the same time, bring clean energy resources to the region and drive continued growth in industrial sustainability.

Google today broke ground on a new data center and operations support complex on Fort Wayne's southwest side near East Tillman Road and Adams Center Road. The new facility joins a network of Google-owned and operated data centers around the world that keep the internet running 24/7 and support digital services such as Google Cloud, Workspace (including Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and more), search, and more. We will help you enhance your services. Maps for people and organizations around the world.

The new facility is expected to create up to 200 new competitive jobs over the next few years, including facilities, data center technicians and support services such as security, catering and grounds maintenance. Google partners with Ivy Tech Community College to bring the Skilled Trades and Readiness (STAR) program to the Fort Wayne area to increase the skilled trades entry-level pipeline with a focus on underrepresented communities We will provide support. These pre-employment programs provide paid training and networking opportunities that help participants land direct jobs on local construction projects.

“We are excited to announce our investment in Fort Wayne, Indiana, to build our newest data center,” said Joe Cava, vice president of global data centers at Google. Our decision to undertake an effort of this scale is a true testament to the strategic and collaborative nature of many leaders in Indiana, Allen County, and especially Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne and Google will work together to power a digital future, including AI innovation across enterprise and consumer services.

Additionally, Google announced a partnership with Indiana-Michigan Power (I&M) to bring new clean energy resources to the region's power grid and build on the company's ambitious 2030 plan to run all data centers and campuses on carbon-free energy. Supported annual goals. Today, Google already purchases 100% of the world's annual electricity consumption from renewable energy, and as a pioneer in computing infrastructure, its data centers are among the most efficient in the world. .

Fort Wayne Mayor Sharon Tucker said there's never been a better time to visit Fort Wayne. This investment from Google is not just about infrastructure and economic development. It's about building a stronger tomorrow together.

Indiana is an ideal hub for data storage due to its business-friendly environment, abundant infrastructure resources, availability of skilled labor, and growing technology and semiconductor sectors. Today's news comes just two months after Meta announced plans to establish his $800 million data center campus in southeastern Indiana and create approximately 100 new jobs. Ta.

Under the company's investment plan, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) has committed to invest in Google in the form of a 35-year data center sales tax exemption on more than $800 million in qualified capital. For each additional $800 million of his qualified investments on the site during that period, the company will be eligible for tax exemption for an additional five years, for a total of 50 years. These incentives are performance-based, meaning that once an investment is made, the company is eligible to claim state benefits.




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