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US Republican senators send threatening letter to ICC prosecutor over possible arrest warrant for Netanyahu – JURIST

US Republican senators send threatening letter to ICC prosecutor over possible arrest warrant for Netanyahu – JURIST


A group of 12 US Republican senators sent a letter on April 24 to the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, threatening reprisals if the court issues arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials, according to a report from the Zeteo news agency. , which published the letter on Monday.

The senators alleged that the ICC seeks to punish “legitimate actions of self-defense”, citing Khan's report on the “calculated cruelty” he witnessed after the October 7 attack and specifying that they do not find ” no moral equivalence between Hamas terrorism and the justified actions of Israel.” response.” They claimed the arrest warrants would “align the ICC with the largest state sponsor of terrorism.”

The signatories said they would view any mandate issued as “not only a threat to the sovereignty of Israel but also to the sovereignty of the United States.” They threaten: “Target Israel and we will target you” and that any further action “will end all U.S. support for the ICC” and “prevent the United States from supporting the ICC.” [Khan] And [his] families in the United States. The letter ended with: “You have been warned. »

The letter was signed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky as well as Senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas; Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee; Katie Boyd Britt of Alabama; Ted Budd of Northern California; Kevin Cramer of North Dakota; Ted Cruz of Texas; Bill Hagerty of Tennessee; Pete Ricketts of Nebraska; Marco Rubio and Rick Scott of Florida; and Tim Scott of South Carolina.

A statement from the ICC Prosecutor's Office released Friday stressed that there was “significant public interest” around the ongoing cases and encouraged dialogue, but warned against individuals who threaten to retaliate against any action of the Court, which is prohibited by Article 70 of the Rome Statute.

The United States is not a party to the Rome Statute and does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC over the Palestinian territories, which the Court claims to have. The letter also highlights the US Military Protection Act, which prohibits federal, state and local governments from assisting the ICC and authorizes the US president “to use all necessary and appropriate means to secure the release” of any “American person”. or ally detained by the ICC.

In response to the letter's publication, Canada's permanent representative to the United Nations, Bob Rae, said that “the ICC must be able to do its work without intimidation.” Senator Cotton's office confirmed the authenticity of the letter to JURIST in a separate communication Monday.

The ICC can prosecute individuals for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of genocide. Currently, Israel faces charges of genocide brought by South Africa before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which imposed interim measures in the context of Israel's offensive in Gaza.




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