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Mickey Rooney Jr., musician, actor and screen legend’s first child, dies at 77

Mickey Rooney Jr., musician, actor and screen legend’s first child, dies at 77


Mickey Rooney Jr., an original Mouseketeer, musician and actor who was the first screen legend mickey rooneys nine children, died. He was 77 years old.

Rooney Jr. died Saturday at his home in Glendale, Arizona, his longtime girlfriend Chrissie Brown said. The Hollywood Reporter. The cause of death is unknown, she said.

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Rooney Jr. played in bands with willie nelson and appeared with the actor-musician in Jerry Schatzbergs honeysuckle rose (1980) and Alan Rudolphs Songwriter (1984). He also had small roles in John Brahms Hot rods to hell (1966) he helped score the soundtrack and in the 1975 NBC film Beyond the Bermuda Triangle.

His mother was Betty Jane Baker, a singer and winner of the Miss Alabama beauty pageant in 1944. She first met Mickey Rooney while stationed in the United States Army in Birmingham, Alabama during World War II. world. She became the second of his eight wives (after Ava Gardner and before actress Martha Vickers); they were married from 1944 until their divorce in 1948.

Joseph Yule III (his father’s birth name was Joe Yule Jr.) was born in Birmingham on July 3, 1945.

He and his brother Tim Rooney were hired as backup cast members on ABC The Mickey Mouse Clubb in 1955. He worked on a handful of episodes before they were fired after mischief in Disney’s paint department. (Paul Petersen, another original Mouseketeer, was also canned that first season.)

Mickey Junior was tall and talented, Petersen wrote on Facebook. He could sing and dance and play and get in trouble. We three were fired for conduct unworthy of a mouse!

Rooney Jr. played guitar, keyboard, bass, drums and harmonica. My grandmother, Nanny Rase, had a ukulele, he said in a 2001 interview with the Riverside Press-Enterprise newspaper. When I was 11, she asked me if I wanted her to show me some chords. I could play the chords she showed me. I put these chords to use on a classical guitar, and I was hooked.

Mickey Rooney at his home in Beverly Hills with his sons Mickey Rooney Jr. (left) and Tim Rooney in October 1964. - Credit: Courtesy Everett Collection

Mickey Rooney at his home in Beverly Hills with his sons Mickey Rooney Jr. (left) and Tim Rooney in October 1964. – Credit: Courtesy Everett Collection

Courtesy of Everett Collection

In the 60s he recorded songs including The Wandering Wind, The Choice Is Yours and It Certainly Aint a Nice Thing which appeared on the ABC music show. Party!and played in a band with brothers Tim and Teddy.

In the 1970s, he introduced his father to his eventual last wife, aspiring country singer Jan Chamberlin.

Rooney Jr. was married to Merci Montello, a Playboy Playmate, in 1972, and Laura Hollander before he and Brown, a singer and musician, first met about 18 years ago.

She noted that he overcame drug and alcohol issues that plagued him earlier in life and quit smoking. He was a wonderful man, she said. The last 18 years with me and my family, he has been an angel.

Petersen has set up a GoFundMe page to help him with his expenses through his non-profit organization, A minor considerationwhich supports former child actors.

Mickey Junior was the personification of damaged goods. He gave his all, Petersen wrote. I was born the same day Mickey and The Mic’s dad gave me, unsolicited, the most helpful piece of advice I’ve ever received. It is one of my greatest sorrows that he did not do the same for his son. Mickey Rooney Junior. Finally rest in peace.

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