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‘The Crown’ actor Sam Crane to star in ‘Harry Potter’ play

‘The Crown’ actor Sam Crane to star in ‘Harry Potter’ play


Sam Crane will play Harry Potter in the new company which will begin performances of ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ at the Palace Theater in London from October 13.

Crane’s credits include “The Crown”, “DNA” at the National Theatre, “Othello” at Shakespeare’s Globe and “Farinelli and the King” on Broadway. Frances Gray (“Old Fool”, “Bloods”) plays Ginny Potter and Thomas Grant (“Spring Awakening”) their son Albus Potter, marking his debut in London’s West End.

Thomas Aldridge (“Les Miserables”) and Michelle Gayle (“Beauty and the Beast”) continue as Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and Grace Wylde (“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”) will play their daughter Rose Granger- Weasley. James Howard (“Romeo and Juliet”) continues as Draco Malfoy and Adam Wadsworth (“The Reluctant Fundamentalist” will play his son Scorpius Malfoy, also marking his West End debut.

In the two-part play, Harry Potter’s headstrong son Albus befriends the son of his fiercest rival, Draco Malfoy, and it sparks a new journey for all of them, with the power to change the world. past and future forever.

Gabriel Akamo, Troy Alexander, Harry Ames, David Annen, Sue Appleby, Sabina Cameron, Phil Cheadle, Robert Curtis, Tim Dewberry, Iskandar Eaton, Lewis Edgar, Jack Gardner, Jemma Gould, Kelton Hoyland, April Hughes, Max Hutchinson, Emma Louise Jones, Tom Mackean, David Mara, Henry Maynard, Kathryn Meisle, Gigi Noel-King, Melaina Pecorini, Niamh Perry, Ruchi Rai, Ian Redford, Rosalind Steele, Tom Storey, Joshua Talbot, Susan Vidler, Wreh-asha Walton, Fletcher Bell , Alice Langton-Farrell, Max Forde, Lottie Grey, Rafferty Ison, Abbiegail Mills and Harry Munson, who will alternate between two child roles, complete the cast of 46 people.

Based on an original story by JK Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is a play by Thorne, directed by John Tiffany. It features moves by Steven Hoggett, sets by Christine Jones, costumes by Katrina Lindsay, music and arrangements by Imogen Heap, lighting by Neil Austin, sound by Gareth Fry, illusions and magic by Jamie Harrison, musical supervision and arrangements by Martin Lowe and a cast. by Julia Horan CDG.

It is produced by Sonia Friedman Productions, Colin Callender and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions.

The production, the eighth story in the Harry Potter series, has sold more than five million tickets worldwide since its world premiere in London in July 2016 and holds 60 major accolades, including nine Laurence Olivier Awards and six Tony Awards. There are currently seven productions underway around the world in London, New York, Melbourne, San Francisco, Hamburg, Toronto and Tokyo.




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