The most-watched movie on Netflix this weekend is a Mark Wahlberg thriller
- Top list of most-watched movies on Netflix this weekend is topped by an underrated thriller by Mark Wahlberg, 2017 Patriots Day which tells the story of the events surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing.
- Netflix produces a regular ranking of the most watched TV shows and movies on the service.
- The ranking includes licensed content as well as Netflix originals.
In addition to shooting fireworks at home and enjoying things like a barbecue in the garden, I hope everyone celebrates and enjoys the Independence Day weekend by staying as much as possible at home, following the coronavirus pandemic that is still wreaking havoc across the country.
Sure, a lot of people probably left work early Friday and are enjoying something from a long weekend, so you’ll have to be entertained if you’re staying at home all weekend – something that Netflix, like always, is ready to help achieve. We’ve already covered the latest recap of the most-watched TV shows that everyone is showing off right now on the streamer – the top 15 current shows, including everything from Netflix’s first critically acclaimed German-language series critical Dark, to shows like breaking Bad and Space force – but for moviegoers among you who want movie recommendations to check out this weekend, here’s our latest overview of the most popular movies on Netflix right now.
Rightly so, the most watched movie on the streamer right now is perfect for watching the Independence Day weekend – the thriller by Mark Wahlberg Patriots Day which dramatizes the events surrounding the bombing of the Boston Marathon in 2013 and the frantic search for the terrorists behind him.
Variety review At the time, the film was both entertaining and respectful of its subject. “Patriots Day is not a hastily telefilm, “notes writer Peter Debruge. “This is truly exciting megaplex entertainment, based on extensive research, featuring bona fide movie stars and staged with an equal degree of professionalism and respect.
In the meantime, here is Netflix’s full list of the top 10 movies on the streaming platform at the time of writing (Saturday). We will include a brief summary of the plot below, as well as ratings from critics and audience ratings from the Film Critics Aggregation Service. Rotten tomatoes for each of the 10 films.
Summary: A cop assigned to the Boston Marathon helps find the terrorists responsible for the 2013 attack.
Critical Score: 80%
Audience score: 86%
Plot: Ben Affleck plays a career bank robber who runs into his erratic partner after falling for a bank manager whom he kidnaps.
Review score: 93%
Audience score: 85%
Plot: This movie is an original Netflix movie, and according to the streamer: “After sending a trustworthy email, romantic and desperate Wes travels to Mexico with his best friends to clear the note before his new love read it. “
Critical Score: 25%
Note from the public: N / A at the time of writing this article
Another Netflix original, and the plot of this film is this: “Two singers from small towns follow their dreams of pop star during a world music competition, where high stakes, intriguing rivals and misadventures on scene are testing their connection. “
Critic Score: 64%
Audience rating: 81%
Summary: A mafia boss captures a woman and tries to see if she will fall in love with him over the course of a year.
Critic score: 0%
Audience score: 30%
Summary: In this Eddie Murphy 2012 comedy, he plays a shameless agent who is only allowed to speak 1,000 more words until his death, so he has to make sure everyone counts.
Critic score: 0%
Audience score: 47%
Intrigue: Just a little editorialization here, I don’t know why this one slipped into the Top 10 other than it could be a mistake, and you all want to watch the original Netflix thriller instead Extraction, with Chris Hemsworth (with editorial and production assistance from Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo). Be that as it may, the plot of the latter is as follows: a retired CIA agent is kidnapped and his analyst son pursues him while trying to thwart some terrorists.
Critical Score: 6%
Audience score: 17%
Plot: The villain Gru concocts a plan to steal the moon but gets distracted when he is responsible for looking after three orphans.
Critical Score: 81%
Audience score: 82%
Plot: Surly Squirrel is kicked out of the park because of his less than pleasant demeanor, at which point he decides to rob a nut store to prepare for winter.
Critical Score: 13%
Audience score: 43%
Résumé: A pair of scientists is carrying out a secret experiment to try to create a hybrid animal-human creature.
Review score: 76%
Audience score: 37%
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