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Award-winning journalist and public media vet Tonya Mosley named co-host of ‘Fresh Air’ : NPR

Award-winning journalist and public media vet Tonya Mosley named co-host of ‘Fresh Air’ : NPR



April 26, 2023 Award-winning public media journalist Tonya Mosley has been named co-host of Fresh air with Terry Gross, the radio show and podcast dedicated to contemporary arts and issues, produced by WHYY in Philadelphia and distributed by NPR. Terry Gross will continue as co-executive producer and host.

Mosley is a correspondent and former host of Here NowNPR and WBUR Boston’s midday radio show, and podcast creator and host The truth must be told. She was a regular interviewer for Fresh air since 2021.

Fresh air listeners will be pleased to hear that Terry Gross’ role remains unchanged,” notes WHYY CEO and President Bill Marrazzo. “At the same time, we are adding another top-notch interviewer and host who brings his own voice and expertise to the program. .”

“Tonya’s wide range of knowledge and experience, her warm and inviting presence, and her ability to connect deeply with guests make her the perfect fit for our show,” Gross said. “I’m thrilled to have her as our new co-host, and I know our listeners will be too.”

Adds Mosley, “It’s a tremendous honor to join Terry in this mission-driven work to inform, inspire and delight listeners through long conversation. Terry’s ‘aisle moments’ have been like a beacon throughout my career, she inspired me to use my deep curiosity to help us make sense of ourselves and each other. Fresh air is unparalleled in its ability to remind us of our humanity, and this opportunity to continue the work alongside Terry and the Fresh air team is a dream come true.”

Mosley’s past interviews for Fresh air include actors Brooke Shields, Halle Berry, Michelle Yeoh, comedian Robin Thede, and several fiction and non-fiction writers.

Mosley has also served as a television anchor, producer and correspondent in several markets, including Boston, Detroit, Louisville, Kentucky and Seattle. She has won several awards for her groundbreaking journalism, including a 2016 Emmy Award for her PBS series. Beyond Ferguson, NABJ and RTDNA Award for Public Radio Series Black in Seattle and an award from the Washington State Association for Justice for his reporting on conflicting Seattle police reports regarding a murder investigation. In 2015, she received the John S. Knight Fellowship at Stanford University, where she co-created a program for journalists on the implications of implicit bias. She also co-authored a Belgian-American study on the effects of protest coverage.

In regards to Fresh air

Fresh air is one of the most popular programs in public media, with nearly 5 million people listening each week on some 665 NPR stations, in addition to 4 million weekly podcast downloads. In a media world filled with 60-second music videos and combative talking-head commentators, Fresh Air’s 45-minute interview segments provide thought-provoking in-depth conversations with writers, musicians, actors, journalists , historians, and others exploring the arts, pop culture, and issues of the day. Fresh air received the Peabody Institutional Award in 2022. Terry Gross received a National Humanities Medal from President Obama in 2016 and was selected as the 2023 PEN/Faulkner Literary Champion.

About WHY

WHYY is the premier public media organization for the Philadelphia area, including Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and beyond. We engage audiences, broaden perspectives and empower communities through continuous learning, truthful reporting, healthy dialogue and the amplification of diverse voices. You can reach us on TV, radio, in the community and online. More than 200 journalists, editors, producers, educators and skilled support staff connect 1.3 million members of a diverse audience each week around common interests in lifelong learning. We’re backed by 129,000 members who expect the best media experience across multiple media.

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