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Fun Ideas for Throwing a Bollywood-Inspired Holi Party

Fun Ideas for Throwing a Bollywood-Inspired Holi Party


Indians and their connection with Bollywood are on a whole new level. Some people live and breathe Bollywood. So why not also add a filmic touch to your festive celebration? Since Holi is just around the corner and you must be busy thinking of the ideas to make your celebration stand out. We are here to tell you that nothing can be better than a Bollywood inspired Holi Party. But how do you go about planning it?

Keep reading for some fun ideas here:

5 Fun Ideas for Planning a Bollywood-Inspired Holi Party

Bollywood-themed Holi party

Dress up like your favorite character from a Bollywood song

Whether it's Bunny from the song Balam Pichkari or Leela from the song Lahum Lag Gaya, if you are a die-hard Bollywood fan, throw a party where everyone dresses up like their favorite Hindi movie character and brings the party to life.

Don't Miss: Rang Barse To Balam Pichkari: 10 Most Played Bollywood Songs on Holi

Recreate popular Holi songs

Holi parties are all about having fun, so why not have a Bollywood dance showdown? Since everyone dresses like their favorite Bollywood character, let Kundan from the song Raanjhanaa show off his dancing skills against Amit from Rang Barse and see who grooves the best.

Have a Best Dressed Contest

A theme party is incomplete without a best-dressed costume contest. Let everyone dazzle while walking the ramp and see who has nailed the look of a Bollywood actor.

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Dancing in the rain is a must

Rain dance scenes have always been a part of Bollywood Holi songs. If you want an awesome outdoor party, have a rain dance. Be sure to use recycled water and be mindful of its usage.

Preserve the memories at the Holi photo booth

It's not every day that you get to have a Bollywood inspired Holi party, so it's best to preserve them by getting clicked at the Holi photo booth. It's one of the most economical ways to have a good time and create a time capsule.

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