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Top 10 OTT Web Series Released This Year

Top 10 OTT Web Series Released This Year


Hold on to your seats and prepare for a binge-watching bonanza! From the glitz of Bollywood Wives Vs Fabulous Lives to the gangster drama of Mirzapur 3, 2024 has a steamy lineup of OTT web series that will have you glued to your screens faster than you can say popcorn, please! So sit back, grab your snacks, and let the streaming marathon begin!

Here are 10 OTT web series released in 2024

1. Call me Bae

Call Me Bae promises to be a roller coaster ride through the glitz and grit of Mumbai, where Ananya Panday's character Bae goes from heiress to con artist faster than you can say diamonds are forever. With more twists and turns than a Bollywood blockbuster, Shell Charm wends its way through the city's newsrooms, avoiding scandals, finding unexpected allies and maybe even discovering the true meaning of success. Get ready for a binge-worthy adventure that will have you laughing, crying, and wanting more on Amazon Prime Video!

2. Citadel: Honey Bunny

The details of the show were revealed during the Prime Videos listing announcement event. Meanwhile, the lead actors shared a post on Instagram announcing that the Indian series in the Citadel universe will be called Citadel: Honey Bunny. The caption described a gripping tale that blends the thrilling elements of a spy action thriller with the heartwarming allure of a love story, all set against a vibrant tapestry of the 90s. Honey Bunny promises to bring a new and captivating twist to the Citadel universe on Amazon Prime Video.

3. Fabulous Lives vs. Bollywood Wives

The much-loved series is finally back in force! Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Lives is the new name for the upcoming third season of the hit Netflix reality show. Joining seasoned veterans Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari Soni, Seema Sajdeh and Bhavana Pandey are three fabulous new additions from Delhi: Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Shalini Passi and Kalyani Saha Chawla. Get ready to experience more drama, glamor and fabulousness than ever before, only on Netflix!

4. The tribe

This actually seems to double the fun! Alanna Panday made her showbiz debut with the Amazon Prime Videos reality series, The Tribe. Joining her are other Indian social media influencers like Alaviaa Jaaferi, Srushti Porey, Alfia Jafry, Aryaana Gandhi and Hardik Zaveri, as they share their lives in Los Angeles. . Get ready for an exciting journey filled with entertainment and insights from the world of influencers only on Amazon Prime Video!

5. Follow Kar Lo Yaar

Get ready for the ultimate dose of drama and fashion frenzy, because Uorfi Javed is here to take over Prime Video with his new show! Uorfi Javed is India's biggest viral sensation! Her fame, like her fabulous wardrobe, is all down to herself, but now she's taking it to eleven. Dive deep into the world of the real Uorfi as she elevates her game and her fame, all while brilliantly juggling her totally dysfunctional family.

6.Mirzapur 3

The much-awaited first look of Mirzapur 3 has finally been revealed, sending fans into a frenzy of excitement. With a star cast, including Ali Fazal, Pankaj Tripathi and Shweta Tripathi, among others, present for the special announcement, the anticipation for the much-awaited third season has reached fever pitch. Since its release in 2018, Mirzapur has captivated audiences with its gripping storyline and intense performances, making it one of the most anticipated series of all time. The announcement made at the Prime Video event has only increased the anticipation, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the action-packed, thrill-packed adventure that Mirzapur 3 promises to deliver.

7. Panchayat 3

Get ready for the return of beloved characters in Panchayat Season 3! The preview of the upcoming season features the return of Abhishek Tripathi, the Gram Panchayat Secretary, alongside other lead characters such as Manju Devi, Brij Bhushan Dubey, Prahlad Pandey and Vikas. The official synopsis tells an intense story in the run-up to the Panchayat elections, with the Pradhan and Bhushan camps engaged in a bitter battle to improve their public image. Amid the complex and murky world of Phulera politics, Abhishek struggles to maintain his objectivity. This will be streaming on Amazon Prime Video soon!

8. Pataal Lok 2

Exciting news for fans of Jaideep Ahlawat and the gripping crime drama series Paatal Lok! Amazon Prime Video has officially announced the much-awaited season 2 of Paatal Lok, featuring a stellar cast including Ishwak Singh, Tillotama Shome, Jahnu Barua, Gul Panag, Nagesh Kukunoor and Anurag Arora. Sharing a tantalizing first look at the upcoming season, Prime Video has hinted at an intriguing storyline and fans can't wait!

9. Yeah Kaali Kaali Aankheen

Get ready to dive back into the world of mystery and romance because Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein returns for season 2 on Netflix! After captivating audiences with its gripping storyline and stellar cast in 2022, the wait for the new season is making fans crazy with anticipation. While the cast is still filming, it looks like we'll have to hone our detective skills and wait a little longer for the official release date. But trust me, it's worth the wait!

10. The Constitution

Get ready for a royal treat on Netflix as Sanjay Leela Bhansalis' upcoming show brings together a stellar cast including Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, Sanjeeda Shaikh, Sharmin Segal and Shekhar Suman. Set in a world where courtesans once ruled as queens, this show exudes class and sophistication, promising to transport viewers to an enchanting realm of elegance and intrigue. With such extraordinary programming and a captivating premise, the anticipation to watch is truly palpable!

Whether you're a fan of gripping mysteries, captivating romances, or thought-provoking narratives, this year's lineup of shows is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. So grab your popcorn, sit back and prepare to be dazzled by the incredible storytelling and talented performances that await you on screen.




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