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On Akshaye Khanna's birthday, a look back at her breakthrough performances | Bollywood

On Akshaye Khanna's birthday, a look back at her breakthrough performances |  Bollywood


Akshaye Khanna has carved a niche for himself in his 27-year-old acting career with some unconventional choices. The actor has set a benchmark with his path-breaking films and artistry. Despite working in fewer films, Akshaye has managed to create a unique identity in Bollywood amidst stiff competition. A look at some of his performances that prove he is a fan of cinema in various genres. (Also Read: When Akshaye Khanna Said He Would Never Work With His Father Vinod Khanna)

Akshaye Khanna celebrates his birthday on March 28.  (PTI)
Akshaye Khanna celebrates his birthday on March 28. (PTI)


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Akshaye's portrayal of Manav in Subhash Ghai's Taal redefined romance and heroism.
Akshaye's portrayal of Manav in Subhash Ghai's Taal redefined romance and heroism.

Akshaye as Manav brought a new perspective to rebellious, unconditional, selfless and sacrificial love on screen. While Shah Rukh Khan's righteous Raj Malhotra tries to persuade Kajol aka Simran's father, Manav in Taal doesn't believe in conflict. When the protagonist of Subhash Ghai's romantic musical comedy realizes the reluctance of the Mansi played by Aishwarya Rai, he walks away without any negativity. In a time where cancel culture and toxicity are glorified in pop culture, Manav has aged well as an ideal green flag. Akshaye brought his character's passion, vulnerability, heartbreak and compassion with artistic finesse. An original perspective on romance without any machismo, portrayed amicably by Akshaye. A must see for romantic movie buffs.

Dil Chahta Hai

Akshaye Khanna's character in Dil Chahta Hai had already been offered to Hrithik Roshan.
Akshaye Khanna's character in Dil Chahta Hai had already been offered to Hrithik Roshan.

Akshaye has once again set the bar with his portrayal of Siddharth Sinha aka Sid, who has become a cult figure among millennials and Gen Z. Akshaye, as the pragmatic, wise, compassionate yet fun-loving Sid, has found resonate with young people. Farhan Akhtar's vision of presenting a character barely explored by the filmmakers was justified by Akshaye's acting prowess. For the unversed, the actor was earlier supposed to play Aakash, while Hrithik Roshan was the original choice for Sid. Aamir Khan had been roped in to play Sameer. However, when Hrithik declined the role, the casting changed and a new cinematic wave was witnessed. In conventional movies about college friends, male characters were expected to be loud, energetic, awkward, and superhuman. Akshaye's Sidharth has established the narrative of an unrequited true romance with a generation gap. The actor gave a moving performance that once again proved his potential to showcase complex human emotions.

Gandhi, my father

Akshaye essayed the role of Mahatma Gandhi's elder son Harilal Gandhi. Darshan Jariwala played Mahatma Gandhi in the Feroz Abbas Khan directorial. The film was based on the biography of Harilal Gandhi, titled Harilal Gandhi: A Life by Chandulal Bhagubhai Dalal. Feroz had already directed a play, Mahatma versus Gandhi, adapted from a Gujarati novel Prakash no Padchhayo by Dinkar Joshi. Akshaye's intensity and versatility were praised in the Anil Kapoor-produced epic drama. The actor gave his best in the confrontation scenes between Harilal and the father of the nation. Akshaye's ability to get into the skin of the character brings the much-needed engagement quotient in some of the hard-hitting sequences. A must-have for film students.

Accidental Prime Minister

Akshaye Khanna played Sanjaya Baru in The Accidental Prime Minister.
Akshaye Khanna played Sanjaya Baru in The Accidental Prime Minister.

Akshaye Khanna played the role of Indian political commentator and political analyst Sanjaya Baru in the biopic based on former Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Sanjaya was the Media Advisor and Chief Spokesperson (PMO) during Dr Manmohan Singh's tenure. Director Sanjay Ratnakar Gutte's title is based on the book written by the former. Although Anupam Kher played the lead role, Akshaye's performance was equally appreciated in the political drama. Her on-screen camaraderie with Anupam was visible in some emotional and light-hearted scenes. Akshaye's subtle nuances bring a lot of conviction to her portrayal.

Article 375

Akshaye Khanna played a brutal lawyer in Section 375.
Akshaye Khanna played a brutal lawyer in Section 375.

Akshaye plays the character of an ambitious lawyer, Tarun Saluja, who defends the case of a filmmaker accused of rape. In the film, Akshaye's client, played by Rahul Bhat, faces a rape charge from a costume assistant. Tarun confronts his former intern Hiral Gandhi aka Richa Chadha who is defending the victim's case. In a mysterious turn of events during the legal proceedings, many uncomfortable truths about law and social justice are revealed. Akshaye played a gray character with utmost conviction in this unconventional film based on a sensitive theme. However, his acting skills are perfect, which makes the audience appreciate his talent rather than judging his character.

Drishyam 2

Akshaye Khanna and Ajay Devgn in a still from Drishyam 2.
Akshaye Khanna and Ajay Devgn in a still from Drishyam 2.

Akshaye essayed the role of Inspector General of Police, Tarun Ahlawat in the Abhishek Pathak directorial. Despite the presence of Ajay Devgn, Tabu and Shriya Saran, Akshaye hit the mark with his artistic genius. His interrogation scenes with Ajay Devgn showcase his ability to effortlessly delve into the character's psyche. Although there are shades of gray in Tarun, Akshaye once again woos the audience with his intensity and dialogue. The actor is convincing in the role of the ruthless cop and amicably complements Tabu and Ajay with his exceptional performance.

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