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What! Did Ranbir Kapoor predict Imran Khan's sudden exit from Bollywood?

What!  Did Ranbir Kapoor predict Imran Khan's sudden exit from Bollywood?


Imran Khan started his Bollywood journey with the 2008 film Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na, which was a mega hit. As of now, fans love Jai (Imran Khan's character) and Aditi (Genelia DSouza's character) and we are eagerly waiting for an announcement on the second part of the film.

MUMBAI: Imran Khan started his Bollywood journey with the 2008 film Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na which was a mega hit. As of now, fans love Jai (Imran Khan's character) and Aditi (Genelia DSouza's character) and we are eagerly waiting for an announcement on the second part of the film. While fans wait, an old video of Ranbir Kapoor talking about Imran Khan leaving Bollywood on Koffee With Karan has gone viral.

Also read – Emotional! Imran Khan opens up about how heartbreaking it was for him when Katti Batti flopped, reveals he had no idea it was his last film

Imran Khan's journey to Bollywood was short but impactful. Even after the success of his first film, Imran left cinemas and took a break. He recently announced that he will return to the big screens soon.

Meanwhile, Reddit users have found the old video of Ranbir and Imran and are shocked to see how the Kidnap actor predicted the exit of the Kidnap actors.

In the video, Ranbir said, “You know, he also looks like someone who at the peak of his career would probably leave it. You know, if he just wasn't interested. Imran apparently said: “You wish, leaving everyone divided. Karan then said that Imran will not go anywhere.

Many Internet users reacted to the video on Reddit. One wrote: Compared to his contemporaries today like Sid, Arjun and Vicky Kaushal, he has more success in a relatively shorter career, while another said: Manifestation couch tabi se chal raha hai?

Another user commented: “He started well and stayed there I guess with some good sleeper shots and bounces.

Talking about quitting films, the actor said in an earlier interview, “If you're wondering why I look back so much, it's because I'm reshaping my relationship with my films. To be clear, I don't blame anyone for anything; All opinions are valid and not everyone will like the same thing, that's normal. Unfortunately, at the time, I could only view things with a negative mindset.

Also Read – Imran Khan spotted holding hands with his girlfriend, Lekha Washington, at an event

Imran Khan further said that he realized his mistake, and this is where I realize my mistake; I paid so much attention to the voices that hurt and never valued the voices that loved. What a fool. I won't make this mistake again.

Imran Khan might make a comeback soon, we can't wait!

For more news and updates from the world of TV, OTT and cinema, stay tuned to TellyChakkar.

Credits – koimoi




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