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The tortuous journey of the British government's plan for Rwanda | Rwanda

The tortuous journey of the British government's plan for Rwanda |  Rwanda



April 14 Then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced plans to deport people arriving in the UK on small boats to Rwanda to have their claims processed. This project will prove very dissuasive, he insists, and Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world, with the capacity to resettle tens of thousands of people in the years to come. The costs will include an initial payment of 120 million.

June 14 The first flight carrying asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda is canceled minutes before takeoff after the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg issues last-minute injunctions to stop it. Seven people are said to be on board.

October 4 Suella Braverman, then Home Secretary, recounts an event at the Conservative Party conference: I would love to have a Telegraph front page with a plane taking off for Rwanda, that's my dream, that's my obsession .


March 7 Braverman introduces the illegal immigration bill, saying she is confident it is compatible with international obligations. The bill, which will become law in July 2023, provides that the Home Secretary has a duty to detain and deport those who arrive in the UK illegally, either to Rwanda or another safe third country , while those detained will not be granted bail or be able to apply for bail. judicial control for the first 28 days of detention.

November 15 Supreme Court rules Rwandan policy illegal. Five judges unanimously upheld an appeals court ruling that there had not been a proper assessment of Rwanda's security. They believe there are serious reasons to believe that expelled refugees risk having their claims in Rwanda misassessed or being returned to their country of origin to face persecution. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the government would work on a new treaty with Rwanda and was prepared to change British law.

December 5 Britain and Rwanda sign new asylum treaty in attempt to address Supreme Court concerns. James Cleverly travels to Kigali to sign it, becoming the third interior minister to visit Rwanda, following in the footsteps of Braverman and Priti Patel. The UK government says the new treaty ensures that people resettled in Rwanda do not risk being returned to a country where their lives or freedom would be threatened.

December 6 A day later, the British government introduced a Rwanda Security (Asylum and Immigration) Bill to overturn the Supreme Court's decision. The bill, which declares Rwanda safe, also aims to prevent Strasbourg from stopping the expulsion of asylum seekers to East Africa.


1st of March The National Audit Office, the official spending watchdog, says plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda will cost taxpayers €1.8 million for each of the first 300 people deported by the government . The overall cost of the project is more than half a billion pounds, according to figures provided to the NAO. Even if the UK does not send anyone to the African state, Sunak has pledged to pay €370 million from the public purse over the five-year deal.

22 April The Rwanda Security (Asylum and Immigration) Bill is finally passed after weeks of parliamentary back-and-forth as peers repeatedly blocked the legislation with a series of amendments. But peers eventually backed down, meaning the controversial bill would become law.




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