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UKTV licenses six Disney Entertainment shows for Alibi, Drama, Dave and UKTV Play | News

UKTV licenses six Disney Entertainment shows for Alibi, Drama, Dave and UKTV Play |  News



  • A Small Light, Mike, Alaska Daily, The Company You Keep, Sons of Anarchy S1-7, Brothers and Sisters S1-5, scheduled to premiere this year on Alibi, Drama, Dave and UKTV Play in the UK

April 3, 2024 – UKTV secured broadcast rights Alaska Daily (11×60') and The company you keep (10×60') on its police channel Alibi, A little light (8×60') on its free Drama channel, Mike (8×30') on the Dave entertainment channel and the seven series of Sons of Anarchy (92×60') and the five series of Siblings (109×60') for its UKTV Play streaming service. The deal was closed by Rachel Bailey, Global Head of Acquisitions and overseen by Melanie Rumani, Global Head of Acquisitions, UKTV and BBC Studios, alongside Jenny Lamond, Senior Director of Content Sales on behalf of The Walt Disney Company .

Mélanie Ruman had,

I am delighted to announce this agreement with Disney for these premium drama series. Growing our content portfolio for UKTV Play and providing Drama, Alibi and Dave audiences with premium content is a major priority for us, and these programs are sure to be a hit when they air later this year.

Dayna Donaldson, Vice President of Content Sales at The Walt Disney Company UK & Nordics, said:

It’s great to be working with UKTV to bring these brilliant dramas to new audiences across the UK. These captivating stories, along with the great acting and behind-the-scenes talent featured within them, are further examples of the exceptional dramas that Disney Entertainment is bringing to fans in the UK and the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. wide.

A little light will be broadcast on Drama in May, Alaska Daily And The company you keep will be broadcast on Alibi this summer, and Mike will be TX on Dave later in the year. Siblings will launch on UKTV Play in late spring and Sons of Anarchy will be added to the service this summer.

In the mind of Tom McCarthy, Alaska Daily stars Hilary Swank as Eileen Fitzgerald, a recently disgraced journalist who abandons her high-profile life in New York to join an Anchorage metro daily on a journey in search of both personal and personal redemption. and professional.

In The company you keep, a night of passion leads to love between conman Charlie (Milo Ventimiglia) and undercover CIA agent Emma, ​​who unknowingly are on a professional collision course. As Charlie grows the family business with a goal of getting out for good, Emma struggles to get closer to the vengeful criminal who holds Charlie's family's debts – forcing them to reckon with the lies they've told. to be able to save yourself. and their families with disastrous consequences. The series is based on the Korean Broadcasting System series titled My Fellow Citizens.

Based on a true story, A little light follows Miep Gies, a carefree young secretary who hid Otto Frank and his family from the Nazis during World War II. For nearly two years, Miep and her husband Jan protected the Franks and others while she worked a day job, kept her marriage intact, and took on more responsibilities than anyone could imagine. While millions of people know about Anne Frank's diary and her family's life in the Secret Annex, A little light is the lesser-known story of how an ordinary secretary demonstrated extraordinary courage during one of history's darkest moments.

Mike, which comes from creator/writer Steven Rogers and the team behind “I, Tonya” and showrunner Karin Gist, executive producer of “Our Kind of People,” explores the dynamic and controversial story of Mike Tyson. The eight-episode limited series explores the tumultuous highs and lows of Tyson's boxing career and personal life – from beloved global athlete to pariah and back again. Focusing the lens on Mike Tyson, the series examines class in America, race in America, celebrity and the power of media, misogyny, the wealth divide, the promise of the American dream and, ultimately, our own role in shaping Mike's story. Mike is an unauthorized, no-holds-barred look into the life of Mike Tyson – and it's a wild ride.

FX Sons of Anarchy is an adrenaline-pumping drama with darkly comedic undertones about a notorious outlaw motorcycle club intent on protecting its sheltered small town from the intrusion of drug dealers, corporate promoters and overzealous police officers. The club is also determined to protect its ruthless and illegally thriving arms trade. Charlie Hunnam plays Jackson “Jax” Teller, a man whose love for the Brotherhood is tested by his growing apprehension of its lawlessness. Katey Sagal plays Gemma Teller Morrow, Jax's mother force of nature, who, along with Ron Perlman as Clarance 'Clay' Morrow, Jax's stepfather and MC president, have their own darker vision of the club .

Family is everything Siblings. Take a look at the Walkers: They lead very different lives and may seem dysfunctional, but deep down they are always there for each other, whether it's a family tragedy, a professional mishap, or a a personal triumph. Sally Field plays Nora, the strong matriarch, who taps into a strength she didn't know she had and discovers new ways to bring everyone together as a family.


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About Alibi

Sky 109/826, Virgin 126/200, BT 312/382, TalkTalk 312, TV Player On demand on Sky, Virgin, BT and TalkTalk

Alibi is the only TV channel dedicated to crime dramas, investigating the best selection of the genre and premiering hit series from around the world such as CSI: Vegas, So Help Me Todd, Dark Winds And Black sands. Alibi's offering of UKTV's original crime drama series gives viewers guaranteed thrills, twists and turns through hit shows including Annikawith Nicola Walker, Traceswith Molly Windsor and Martin Compston and We hunt together, with Eve Myles and Babou Ceesay. Sophie Rundle also leads the cast of the Barcelona-set drama, The diplomatwhile Anjli Monindra, Marc Warren and Adjoa Andoh star in writer Toby Whithouse's brand new series, The Red King.

Alibi is also home to fan favorites, Miss Scarlet and the Duke, Murdoch Mysteries And Hudson and Rexand gives viewers another chance to catch hugely popular British crime series including Death in Paradise, Father Brown And Silent witness.

About Dave

Dave is the award-winning entertainment channel offering a veritable feast of UKTV original comedy hits from some of the UK's biggest stars – like the BAFTA winner. Big Zuu's Big Eats, Battle In The Box, The World's Most Dangerous Roads, Outsiders by David Mitchell, Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable, Alan Davies: still untitled, Follow The Leader with Jamali Maddix and scripted comedy Meet the Richardsons.

But Dave doesn't limit himself to television screens. There is exclusive online content, with YouTube Outsiders: Gone Wild with David Mitchell And Get off my phone! starring Grace Campbell, Thanyia Moore, Ania Magliano, Travis Jay and more, plus Facebook series The comic guide to life, bad advice with Olga Koch and Impertinence. Dave also crowns his winner each year at Dave's Joke of the Fringe in Edinburgh.

About the theater

The free Drama Channel is passionate about bringing Britain the best quality drama. From period to contemporary, family to comedy, the channel is a treasure trove of much-loved classics and modern dramas with stories that viewers can fully immerse themselves in.

With programs including familiar favorites Call the midwife, the bill, new stuff And Silent witnessand new and exclusive hits Mysteries of Sister Boniface, Whitstable Pearl And Mrs. Fox it's the channel where viewers can escape and indulge in a hand-picked lineup of the country's most famous TV series. The channel's offering has also expanded in recent years with the UKTV Original TV adaptation of Robert Thorogood's bestselling novel. Marlow's Murder Club. This two-part series stars Samantha Bond as Judith Potts, a wild and pragmatic swimmer, alongside Jo Martin, Cara Horgan and Natalie Dew.

About UKTV Play

UKTV Play is an on-demand TV service offering instant access to shows from UKTV's free channels – Dave, W, Yesterday and Drama. With the easy-to-use UKTV Play app, you can browse and stream hundreds of shows for free via your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also watch on TV with Freeview Play, Amazon Fire TV, YouView, Samsung TV, Apple TV, Freesat, NOW and Roku.

If you're a Sky, Virgin Media or BT TV customer, shows from other major UKTV channels – Gold, W, Alibi and Eden – are also on the menu. | Ways to watch

About UKTV

UKTV has been at the forefront of branded television for over 30 years, entertaining the nation with programs they love. Its main brands – Dave, Gold, W, Drama, Alibi, Eden and Yesterday – cover comedy, entertainment, natural history, fact and drama, and are brought to audiences via UKTV Play, Freeview, Sky, Virgin Media, BT, TalkTalk, YouView, Freesat and Amazon Fire. The broadcaster is a significant investor in British creativity and is committed to working with new and established writers, directors and program creators.

UKTV is part of BBC Studios, the UK's most awarded production company, a world-class distributor of internationally branded services and a commercial subsidiary of the world's leading public service broadcaster, the BBC.

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