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Bollywood Roundup: Priyanka Chopra, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and more…

Bollywood Roundup: Priyanka Chopra, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and more…


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Priyanka misses pure khurma, biryani on Eid; gorges on pancakes, croissants

Mumbai– Global star Priyanka Chopra extended warm greetings on the occasion of Eid, saying she was missing khurma and biryani.

On social media, the former Miss World shared a postcard with a crescent moon on it and a message that read: “Missing khurma and biryani at home…Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating” .

On Instagram Stories, Priyanka shared a delicious glimpse of French delicacies and wrote: “When in France, breakfast must include crepes and croissants…”

On a personal level, Priyanka and American singer and actor Nick Jonas got married in December 2018. In January 2022, the couple had their first child, a daughter, via surrogacy, named Malti Marie.

Priyanka then has 'heads of state' in her kitty.

SRK and son AbRam wave to sea of ​​fans in front of Mannat; 'may Allah bless us all with love

Mumbai– Superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Thursday greeted his fans outside his Mannat residence, on the occasion of Eid, and said may Allah bless us all with love, happiness and prosperity.

The visuals show a sea of ​​fans waiting outside Mannat SRK, to get a glimpse of the Badshah on the occasion of Eid.

SRK was seen wearing a plain white kurta pajama and sporting a ponytail, which is his signature Pathaan look. He was accompanied by his youngest son AbRam.

The video shows him waving and giving flying kisses to fans, while the massive crowd cheered him on amid heavy security.

Taking to social media, SRK wrote: Eid Mubarak to everyone and thank you for making my day so special. May Allah bless us all with love, happiness and prosperity.

The actor recently won the hearts of fans with his portrayal of Vikram Rathore in Jawan. He also had a special appearance in Tiger 3, starring Salman Khan.

SRK last appeared in Dunki, which revolved around illegal immigration. The film stars Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal.

Salman, joined by his father Salim Khan, greets the enthusiastic crowd outside the Galaxy Apts

Mumbai – In the tradition of Bollywood stars on the occasion of Eid, Salman Khan appeared on the balcony of his Galaxy Apartments in Bandra and waved to thousands of his fans jostling for viewing spots to capture the moment with their phone cameras.

As the twilight horizon lit up with the moving torches, Salman paced his balcony with his characteristic half-smile and waved to the crowd. Her father, Salim Khan, the famous half of the Salim-Javed screenwriting duo, who now leads a retired life, unlike his better-known counterpart, Javed Akhtar, kept her company and also greeted the crowd.

Unlike Shah Rukh Khan, who was theatrical on the terrace of his bungalow, Mannat, performing acrobatics on the railing while greeting his fans, Salman was a picture of restraint.

Earlier in the day, Salman, who unusually did not release a film for Eid this year (the slot was reserved for the Akshay Kumar-Tiger Shroff action-comedy, 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan”), had announced that he would play the lead role in his film. Eid 2025 release, 'Sikander', directed by AR Murugadass.

Shilpa Shetty releases 'perfect' video with pets Truffle and Simba: 'They are my peace'

Mumbai– On the occasion of National Pet Day, actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra shared an adorable video with her four-legged friends Truffle and Simba, calling them her 'peace'.

On Instagram, Shilpa shared a video in which she is seen playing with her dogs at her residence.

Shilpa wears a white tank top and blue flared jeans and cuddles with her four-legged friends.

The post is captioned: “In a world full of chaos, they are my peace… Wishing everyone a perfect #NationalPetDay from Truffle, Simba and me! »

On the work front, Shilpa was last seen in the action thriller series 'Indian Police Force'. Created and directed by Rohit Shetty and Sushwanth Prakash, the series stars Sidharth Malhotra and Vivek Oberoi.

She then has “KD” in the works.

'Eid Mubarak': Aamir poses with sons Junaid and Azad at home; distributes candy to dads

Mumbai– On the occasion of Eid, Bollywood's 'perfectionist' Aamir Khan was spotted outside his building with his sons Junaid and Azad, handing out sweets to the paparazzi.

Junaid is the son of Aamir and his first wife, Reena Dutta. He also has a sister, Ira. Azad is the son of Aamir and his second wife, Kiran Rao.

The visuals show Aamir wearing a plain white kurta pajama and completing his look with black slippers. Her elder son Junaid wore a white chikankari kurta and teamed it with blue denim jeans.

Azad wore a white chikankari kurta and matching plain pajamas.

The trio can be seen happily posing together for the lenses.

Aamir adorably holds his sons close to him while they get clicked.

There were sounds of dhol beating around his residence.

The paps can be seen asking Aamir, “ek photo aapki akele me lete hain”, to which the superstar smiles and replies, “nahi saath me hi lete hain”.

Aamir, who was last seen in 'Laal Singh Chaddha', added, 'Eid Mubarak' to everyone present. He then handed out treats to the paparazzi.

Aamir then handed over the box of sweets to the cameramen and said, “Sabko baant do.”

He also ate a piece of candy from the hands of a paparazzi.

On the professional front, he then has “Sitaare Zameen Par” in preparation.

The actor also recently produced 'Laapataa Ladies', with his ex-wife Kiran. The film is directed by Kiran and stars Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, Chhaya Kadam and Ravi Kishan.

Meanwhile, Junaid is set to make his film debut with the upcoming film 'Maharaj', directed by Siddharth P. Malhotra.

Madhuri an image of elegance in the video “Dance Deewane” where she dances to “Bairi Piya”

Mumbai– Madhuri Dixit Nene on Thursday belted out the popular track 'Bairi Piya' from her 2002 romantic drama 'Devdas', showcasing her elegant dance moves.

The actress, who has 39 million followers on Instagram, shared a Reel video, in which she is seen dressed in a yellow ethnic outfit and dancing to the song 'Bairi Piya', sung by Shreya Ghoshal and Udit Narayan.

The song is originally featured on Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan. The film is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali.

The video, which appears to have been shot on the sets of 'Dance Deewane', shows Madhuri wearing a green kundan necklace with minimal makeup and open hair.

The post is captioned: “Hail jayega tera jiya… #thursday #throwbackthursday.” »

The video has garnered 474,000 views.

On the work front, Madhuri is currently a judge of 'Dance Deewane'. It is co-judged by Suniel Shetty and hosted by laughter queen Bharti Singh.

The show airs Saturday and Sunday on Colors. (IANS)




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