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Who is Cameron Cowperthwaite? 5 things to know about the Fallout actor

Who is Cameron Cowperthwaite?  5 things to know about the Fallout actor


Cameron Cowperthwaite is already a big deal, and now he's starring in Amazon Prime Video To fall series.

To falla television adaptation of the beloved gaming franchise, follows a young woman (Ella Purnell) who leaves her home of Vault 33 to venture into the post-apocalyptic wastelands of a devastated Los Angeles in search of her father.

5 Facts About Fallout's Cameron Cowperthwaite

Cameron Cowperthwaite as Monty in Fallout
Cameron Cowperthwaite

Cameron Cowperthwaite was a model before acting

Before moving to Los Angeles in 2014 to pursue her acting career, Cowperthwaite (now 32) was a model in New York.

In an article on AVERAGECowperthwaite explained that Mark Wahlberg was an inspiration for why he started modeling, “but it didn’t go very well:”

“I started modeling in New York because when I grew up I heard about people like Mark Wahlberg who were starting out that way. I went there when I was 18 to try to get started, but it didn't go very well until my mother, who is a script supervisor/director and showed my photo shoot photos to her friend from the makeup department.

He further explained that his mother's friend's sister is still his agent today and at the age of 18, he “I auditioned and received good feedback” And “The rest is history:”

“Her friend had a sister in LA who was an agent, and still my agent today! I auditioned and got good feedback, so she decided to take me on as a client, and the rest belongs to history.”

Part of his inspirational story included the actor dropping out of the university he was studying at and deciding to “Run to the West Coast and take the great leap of faith:”

“I decided to drop out of college when I saw a Martin McDonough play at the local REP Theater, and at that time in my life it just made me think about what life could and should be , so I told myself I was going to run to the West Coast and take a big leap of faith that it would work!”

Cameron takes inspiration from Robert Pattinson

Hailing from Wilmington, Delaware, Cameron Cowperthwaite told Independent activity that he would go “at the cinema every weekend with [his] dad for about 15 years.

“I went to the movies every weekend with my dad for about 15 years. Sometimes we even made double features.”

While he loves “A lot of people are working” he specifically praised actor Tom Cruise, Mads Mikkelsen and Robert Pattinson as inspiration:

“I've seen a lot of stuff, but I love a lot of people's work. I think Tom Cruise makes brilliant cinema. 'Top Gun: Maverick,' which I was lucky enough to read for, was incredible . I love Robert Pattinson and Mads. Mikkelsen. My two favorite films are 'V for Vendetta' and 'There Will Be Blood'. Those are my favorite sources of inspiration.”

Cowperthwaite also spoke to Crazy Magazine on some of the upcoming aspects of acting, focusing on “be fixed for a long time” with colleagues and “15 hours a day” feeling “like a summer camp:”

“The best part about acting is being on set, working and collaborating with incredibly talented, brilliant, wacky and kind people. People who inspire you pushing yourself to do your best and also people you want to spend time with. for 15 hours a day. It's like a summer camp atmosphere!”

He then described the worst part of acting like “the new self-registration game.” Although auditions have never been easy, Cowperthwaite says sending in a tape “It feels like you can send these things out into the ether and hope to hear something:”

“The hardest part is the new self-recording game. Auditions have always been difficult, but it's been a weird transition to this zoom/self-recording thing. Sometimes it just doesn't seem as intimate anymore than before, and it feels like you can send these things out into the ether hoping to hear something, and then you don't. It's difficult.”

Cameron is a pillar of American horror history

Before To fallCameron Cowperthwaite played Speed ​​Wagon on American horror story and, more recently, Charlie on American Horror Stories.

The actor was told Daily death how much he enjoys working with Ryan Murphy and how many casts and crews move from one project to the next. Cowperthwaite added that “It's exciting because you know the project is going to be something special:”

“First of all, I love working with Ryan and his team. Everyone changes shows, bounces and stays because the projects are so good. So when he calls, it's exciting because you know the project is going to be something special, and you'll meet friends you may not have seen in years!”

Speaking about his experience on American Horror Storieshe praised his comrades and described the whole as “this little bubble trying to tell this finished story, and we were all in sync:”

“Set is kind of like going to summer camp in that way. Every experience is so different, but this was one of my favorite set experiences of my career. I loved working with Madison , Spencer, Logan, Crystal and all the rest.” of the cast and crew. It was just this little bubble trying to tell this finished story, and we were all in sync. I felt so safe to explore and make mistakes in hopes of finding something great. “

While focusing on his character Charlie in the episode, he felt he “was simply beautifully written” and I felt that death is a “subject of debate or conversation” what attracted him to the role:

“Charlie, as a character, is just beautifully written. I think with 'American Horror Story' and 'Stories,' death is a part of the show, but it's not usually debated or discussed. conversations. I thought it was very clever to approach things that way, and it really appealed to me when I was reading the script.”

Cameron originally auditioned for Jeffrey Dahmer in the Netflix series

In the hit Netflix series of 2022, Dahmer Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer StoryCameron Cowperthwaite played Steven Hicks, but he first tried out for the lead role.

Another Ryan Murphy project, Cowperthwaite said LA Confidential how “blessed” he had to continue working with him and how “Once you can enter his camp…he will continue to call you:”

“I've been very lucky with Ryan Murphy Productions. I've worked with him five times now, I think, at this point. When I did my first stint with him, I was actually told that he was truly one of the best, most loyal people in Hollywood and once you can get into his camp, as long as you find a good relationship with him and the rest of his team, he will continue to call you.

He also explained how he had a “an incredibly wacky audition” for Jeffrey Dahmer where he played “an intense, dark and very disturbing amateur video:”

“And around the time I did an audition for Jeffrey Dahmer, I put myself on tape because it was the beginning of COVID, when self-tapes and auditioning at home started to become a thing thing. I did an incredibly wacky audition. I did the scenes and then made an intense, dark, very disturbing home video that I shot on my iPhone using a film grain filter 1970s.”

The actor further explained that after losing the role to Evan Peters, “They called me about Steven Hicks:”

“I submitted myself to the casting call and obviously that role went to Evan Peters, who plays it magnificently. His portrayal of Dahmer is haunting. But because of that, I guess I made my way back to the team of producers after a few years of working with them and they called me for Steven Hicks.”

Cameron has two new films coming

After To fallCameron Cowperthwaite is set to star in two new films, You don't belong here And Roses on the vine.

Roses on the vine tells the story of Billy (Cowperthwaite), a single father with a checkered past who works as a food delivery boy, and his mischievous seven-year-old daughter, Hazel, as they navigate daily life on his scooter through Los Angeles to make the two ends meet.

You don't belong hereWritten by Martin Bartlett, follows a group of amateur crime solvers who travel to an infamous campsite to investigate an unsolved murder, only to wake up the next morning in 1991, days before the murder, with a mysterious killer in freedom.

How to follow Cameron Cowperthwaite online

For more information on Cameron Cowperthwaitey, fans can follow him on Instagram at @cameroncowperthwaite.




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