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The Return of the Milwaukee Film Festival » Urban Milwaukee

The Return of the Milwaukee Film Festival » Urban Milwaukee


The marquee of the Oriental Theater.  Photo by Jeramey Jannene.

The marquee of the Oriental Theater. Photo by Jeramey Jannene.

I hope you have an appetite for popcorn because the Milwaukee Film Fest is finally here! Enjoy more than 300 films at various Milwaukee theaters and attend bonus events like happy hours and filmmaker conversations. If you or a family member has a creative passion for building, visit Brickworld Milwaukee, where dozens of meticulously assembled LEGO creations will be on display. It's also time to celebrate our great city with Milwaukee Day, where various venues and businesses will host special performances and events.

April 11-25: Milwaukee Film Festival

The Milwaukee Film Festival will feature more than 300 films citywide spanning a wide range of genres and mediums. There's something for everyone at the film festival, from children's shorts to skateboarding documentaries; from music videos to feature films and everything in between. In addition to film screenings, the festival will also feature happy hours, secret shows, workshops, filmmaker conversations and more throughout the city. For a full list of screenings and events, visit MKE Film website to download the 2024 festival program.

April 13-14: Brickworld Milwaukee

Brickworld will see the Wisconsin State Fair Expo Center filled with awesome LEGO creations. Families will have the chance to explore the different exhibits and then take part in interactive activities such as the LEGO and DUPLO brick play areas, graffiti wall, quest and finds and much more. Don't leave empty-handed after being inspired by the sights of Brickworld, there will be plenty of vendors on the bridge selling LEGO sets, LEGO minifigures and accessories. General admission to Brickworld is $18 online or $20 at the door. Children aged 3 and under will receive free entry. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit Brickworld website.

April 13: Dog Day at the Deer District

Deer District will become The Doggy District for a day as local vendors, live entertainment, food providers and more set up shop at Fiserv Forum. The event will benefit Wintons Wishes, a volunteer-run non-profit organization aimed at helping dogs who are unwell in shelters. The event will feature 80 vendors, prizes and activities for all dogs to enjoy. Participation in Dog Day is free. Participants are encouraged to bring their dogs as long as they are on a leash and well socialized. For more information, visit the Quartier des Cerfs website.

April 13: album release show likely scam

Milwaukee Independent Outfit Likely scam prepares to release his highly anticipated new album Egg yolk on April 12. The band will celebrate the release with an album release show at Pabst Theater Group's new venue, the Vivarium. Likely scam will be joined by Grandmother And Clementine and the show will begin at 8 p.m. If the singles released so far are any indication, Egg yolk presents Scam Likely in its most refined and musically expansive form yet. You can learn more about Scam Likely by reading Urban Milwaukee's cover of the band's debut album and you can purchase tickets to the band's album release show by visiting Pabst Theater Groups. website.

April 13: Mystery at the Milwaukee Public Museum

The Milwaukee Public Museum is offering a family-friendly version of its popular after-hours mystery event. Families will have the chance to do some detective work at the museum with clues that guide them through the building. The museum also promises that the event will provide an opportunity to get up close and personal with two of its rarely seen objects. The theme for this event is It's a Small World, which suggests families may need to get out the magnifying glass to uncover this mystery. Mystery at Milwaukee Public Museum: Family Edition will run from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Admission to the event is $8 per child and $12 per adult. For more information, visit Milwaukee Public Museums website.

April 14: Milwaukee Day

April 14 has been declared Milwaukee Day (414 being the city's area code), and the entire city will be filled with events celebrating the city's diverse DIY history while inspiring action to help Milwaukee to remain a great city to live in. Events include a 414-day festival at 910 E. Keefe Ave. with live music, vendors and activities for all ages. Harley Davidson is celebrating the holidays by offering $4.14 bottles of koozies and $41.40 oil changes. Many venues host large lineups of local talent, such as Vivarium, The Cooperage, Company Brewing and many more. You can learn about the history of 414 Day and plan your day with a list of events by visiting Milwaukee Day. website.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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