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Docs: 'Hoosiers' actor and Warsaw dentist charged with false imprisonment and battery after former employee comes forward

Docs: 'Hoosiers' actor and Warsaw dentist charged with false imprisonment and battery after former employee comes forward


The video above shows previous coverage of Steve Hollar on his role in the movie 'Hoosiers'

WARNING: This story contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all readers

KOSCIUSKO COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) — A Warsaw dentist with Hollar Dental Group who appeared in the movie “Hoosiers” is charged with false imprisonment and battery following multiple incidents with an employee.

Steven C. Hollar is charged with false imprisonment, a Level 6 felony, and battery, after a former employee of his dental office reported inappropriate conduct that occurred during his employment to the Warsaw Police Department, documents show judicial.

Photo by Steven Hollar, courtesy of Kosciusko County
Photo by Steven Hollar, courtesy of Kosciusko County

According to those documents, Hollar asked the victim to report for annual staff evaluations after working for the group for two months. He was asked to come in on his day off for the individual exam, which took place in Hollar's downstairs office, according to court documents.

Hollar is accused of asking what the victim described as “invasive questions” regarding her relationship with her father and her son's father. She also told police in court documents that Hollar believed she did not have a male role model.

Hollar told the victim she was going to receive her new scrubs with her name on them because she had initially worked at the front desk but moved to a dental assistant position, according to court documents. He asked the victim her size before getting her a blouse and locking the door, according to court documents.

The victim then began to put the blouse on over her clothes. That's when Hollar is accused of telling him, “No, take it off.” » The victim then tried to hide while changing clothes.

Hollar is accused of asking the victim as she was changing, “Do you want to take off your bra?”

The victim told Hollar no and began putting her clothes back on, she told investigators in court documents. Hollar then gave the victim a jacket, telling her she could wear it without a bra and saying “Tell me how you like it without a bra tonight at home,” according to court documents .

Hollar also offered to pay for the victim's radiology classes, according to court documents. He gave her an x-ray book as well as a $2 raise, the woman told police in court documents. Hollar then said, “I didn’t want you to change here. You could have gone to the bathroom,” the woman said in court documents.

Hollar then hugged the victim and asked her to keep the interaction “between us.”

Later that day, the woman said she received a call from Hollar, asking if she was alone. During the phone call, Hollar said his “mind was racing after the exam.” Hollar also said he would give her flexible hours to make it easier for her and her son. After the phone call, she then received a text message from Hollar asking if she liked the jacket and if she had tried it on.

The woman also recalled other incidents with Hollar, in which she was called to a meeting in his office about his scrubs. Hollar told him they were having “trouble ordering his scrubs.” Hollar then gave her scrubs that she said would not fit over her clothes.

The victim then had to remove her borrowed blouse, doing her best to stay covered in front of Hollar.

During the incident, Hollar gave her several pairs of scrubs in different sizes. At one point, the victim was changing and Hollar arrived, undoing her bra and inappropriately grabbing her from behind. The victim told Hollar it was against the code, and Hollar laughingly agreed.

After putting her bra and top back on, the victim attempted to leave the room, when Hollar told her she had a resilient body and asked if she had had a C-section, then asked to see the scar . Hollar then reached toward her in an attempt to move her work pants and underwear, according to court documents.

Hollar was formally charged and booked into the Kosciusko County Jail on Monday, but is now free on bond.




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