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Bluey's voice actor fuels film speculation after extended episode

Bluey's voice actor fuels film speculation after extended episode


Why stop with a giant episode of the world's favorite children's show?

The cast of Blue have suggested a feature film could be next after fans finally got to see a lengthy and emotional special, which is expected to leave viewers in tears.

The Sign, the television phenomenon's longest episode at 28 minutes, will premiere on Disney Plus on Sunday, April 14, following months of feverish speculation about its storyline.

Fans posting on Reddit threads have correctly inferred that the title refers to a For Sale sign.

This has fueled speculation that Bluey, Bingo and the Heeler family could be about to move out of the family home, perhaps bringing the Australian animated series loved by parents and children around the world to a shocking conclusion.

But Bluey producer Sam Moor told BBC Radio 4's Today show the program would return for another series.

And Melanie Zanetti, the actress who plays Chilli, mother of inexhaustible siblings Bluey and Bingo, agrees that the story is far from over.

The Sign could pave the way for a full album Bluey: the movie. I really think this would work and I'm here for whatever the Blue the team wants to do, Zanetti said I. I'm 100 percent.

His remarks come after Bluey executive producer Daley Pearson suggested The Sign was a test for a feature film in an interview with the Australian press.

A suitable larger canvas Blue. Once we started recording In The Sign, what became very clear was that in seven minutes you can only do so much in terms of exploring a story, she said.

But when you have 28 minutes, there's so much more room for nuance and themes. You can really go so much deeper and I think that's what was so exciting about this episode.

It is called Blueys Oppenheimer and I love this analogy.

Melanie Zanetti plays Chilli, Bluey's laid-back mom. A feature film could follow an extended special (photo: James Cant)

It has an epic feel, there are multiple storylines and characters going on great journeys.

The Sign centers on a marriage, but there's also a story dealing with the kind of family upheaval that can have a huge impact on children.

When you're a little kid, moving is one of the first big upheavals, Zanetti said. What Joe (Brumm, Blue creator) is a really great thing to do is insert these poignant elements. Even the title The Sign is like a sedimentary rock filled with things we can play with.

I was wiping the tears from my chin, the actress admitted. There were tears on my shirt when we first saw the final version. This is such a beautiful episode and it’s really moving.

Amid speculation that The Sign could have been a strong moment for Bluey to bow out as a TV series after 151 acclaimed episodes, Zanetti said: It's a nice ending, in a way.

But every little episode we make has a beautiful ending, so who knows? I will continue to play Chile there, as long as they will have me.

At the time of the interview with Zanetti, Brumm, Blueys The one writer keeping a close eye on the series' expanding spinoffs, including a stage show and theme park attractions, had not yet indicated he was moving forward with a fourth season.

He didn’t give me anything!, exclaimed Zanetti. And I'm constantly pestering him for information, Hi Joe, what do you think, what do we do now? Let's do something. He is a very level-headed person. Brilliant but discreet.

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Bluey fans have been sharing their theories about plot developments in The Sign threads on Reddit (Photo: BBC Studios Kids & Family)

With Blue Now generating around $1 billion in merchandise, merchandise and program sales, Brumm's next initiative is of central importance to parents, who use the episodes as a bible to teach life lessons to their children, as well as for global entertainment giants.

Blue played a significant role in pushing revenues at BBC Studios, the company's commercial arm, beyond 2 billion for the first time last year.

A smart deal with Brisbane entertainers Ludo Studios cut before Blue first broadcast on Australian network ABC in 2018, gave BBC Studios Kids & Family global control of its licensing.

Disney, which acquired international broadcast rights from the BBC, saw Blue accounted for 29% of all TV views on Disney Plus in the fourth quarter of 2023, excluding movies, according to market research firm Circana.

Just a legal drama Suits racked up more streaming watch minutes in the U.S. last year, while the merchandise line spans from potty training accessories to a touring theater show.

How did Bluey capture the hearts and minds of children and adults? Zanetti said: “Joe's writing encapsulates all the absurdity of little kids, but each episode also has so much heart.

The characters are fallible, no one is perfect and I think that really resonated with people, even those who don't have children.

There is depth amidst the playfulness and chaos of the Heeler puppy family.

Zanetti said: I was at a Comic Con (fan convention) recently and someone said to me: I had a really rough childhood and I feel like this show is re-parenting me. Someone else said I had children in my class with learning difficulties and it taught them how to play with other children and changed their lives at school.

There's a Copycat episode, where a parakeet died. In fact, parents have told me: “This is the gateway to exploring explanations of death. It's a gentle journey towards immense and complex things, which is quite magical.

It wasn't what we expected when we started making the show. But seeing him have such a beautiful and positive impact on the world has been so rewarding.

However, the actress, who says she relishes the anonymity of being the voice behind a much-loved character, which means I'm not typecast, is steering clear of online speculation.

I've never read anything on Reddit about Blue. I love that there is this fervor around it, it's incredible. I feel so touched that people love this show so much that they are invested in what happens to these characters in this special episode.

The BBC and Disney have been contacted for comment Bluethe future.

The Sign will premiere on Sunday, April 14, the first episode of Blue which will premiere worldwide at the same time on ABC in Australia and Disney Plus. Blue is jointly commissioned by ABC Childrens and BBC Studios Kids & Family.




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