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Actor Sporean Mathialagan, who visited Hollywood, advocates inclusive storytelling

Actor Sporean Mathialagan, who visited Hollywood, advocates inclusive storytelling


SINGAPORE For Singaporean actor-director Mathialagan, 59, the path to Hollywood began with a single moment on stage.

At the age of 11, he found himself in the spotlight not by choice, but by destiny.

I took religion classes on weekends, remembers Mathialagan.

They had prepared a full-scale drama lasting three hours, he told The Straits Times in an exclusive interview.

Mathialagan was cast as a replacement actor, but fate intervened when the designated lead actor was unable to fulfill his duties, leaving a void to be filled. With just a month to go until the day of the stage performance, the 11-year-old rookie actor found himself carrying the weight of the role of a main character.

I was thrown in at the deep end, asked to play the main character, he recalls, the memories vivid even after decades. I actually cried on stage. Fortunately, my character was describing a sad scene.

But amidst the tears, a spark was ignited, a passion ignited in the crucible of the scene. The applause that followed, a chorus of validation and admiration, rang in his ears long after the final curtain fell.

For Mathialagan, this moment was more than just a performance, it was a revelation, a glimpse into a world brimming with possibility and promise.

Everyone thought I did well and applauded me, he said. Being young and receiving praise, I appreciated that and it stuck with me.

From that day on, Mathialagan's destiny as a performer was sealed. He honed his craft on the local stage, immersing himself in the world of theater and discovering the transformative power of storytelling.

Her talent and dedication quickly caught the attention of casting directors, paving the way for a transition to television performances in 1988, starting with a lead role in the local Tamil drama series Sandhya.

It was on the small screen that Mathialagan truly began to make his mark, with standout performances in local productions that captivated audiences and critics.

From his portrayal of Dr Baskhar Ram in Mediacorp Channel 5 drama Tanglin (2015 to 2018) and Sanjay Devaraj in legal drama Code Of Law (2012 to 2020), Mathialagan's versatility and depth as an actor stand out have earned accolades and admiration.

His acting career has been marked by numerous awards. In 2006, he won the prestigious Best Actor award at the Asian Television Awards.

His contributions to local Tamil television have further been recognized with several Best Actor awards at the Mediacorps Pradhana Vizha Awards, in 1999, 2003, 2004 and most recently in 2021.

He says his performances were not only artistic acts, but also expressions of empathy and understanding, as well as his unwavering belief in the transformative power of storytelling.

As an actor, it is important to me that the representation of minorities in local programs is not just symbolic, says Mathialagan. We need relatable characters, characters who reflect the diversity of our society and who resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.

For him, representation is not just about ticking boxes or meeting quotas, but about telling stories that reflect the rich tapestry of Singapore's multicultural society and celebrating the unique experiences and perspectives of all its residents.

But Mathialagan's passion for making a difference extends far beyond the realm of entertainment.

Alongside his acting career, he devoted himself to social work by founding the Arpana Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization that helps Indian communities, particularly those vulnerable to natural disasters.




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