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List of Bollywood films in progress helmed by Southern directors

List of Bollywood films in progress helmed by Southern directors


South directors making Hindi films is not new. Although there are only a limited number of films in which Bollywood directors have made southern films, Telugu directors like Raghavendra Rao and Murali Mohan Rao have made several Hindi films. But recent developments have earned southern Hindi filmmakers star status. The current trend starting with Baahubali 1 & 2, continued with KGF 1 & 2 and Pushpa. This is further reinforced by the making of huge blockbusters Atlee's Jawan with Shahrukh Khan and Sandeep Vanga's Animal with Ranbir Kapoor. Today, several Bollywood films are being made, directed by directors from the South.

Salman's Sikander with ARM

AR Murugadoss himself ventured into Bollywood 15 years ago and delivered the first Rs 100 crore grosser in Indian cinema by collaborating with Aamir Khan for Ghajini. Only then he tried to make Ghajini with Salman Khan but things didn't happen. Now, Salman has given the green signal to Murugadoss' story and they are shooting 'Sikander', which is scheduled to release on Eid 2025. Salman is already working on a film, 'The Bull' with another Tamil director, Vishnu Vardhan.

Unexpected reunions

Director Shankar has already directed a Bollywood film, Nayak with Anil Kapoor, which is a remake of his early 2000s blockbuster Oke Okkadu/Mudhalavan. He has announced his remake of Aparichitudu/Anniyan with Ranvir Singh in Hindi. But this film was shelved and there are plans to make a Tamil novel in film form with Ranvir. Meanwhile, reports are doing the rounds that Shankar is planning to make a sequel to Nayak with Anil Kapoor.

A bunch of remakes

Malayalam filmmaker Roshan Andrews is directing 'Deva' with Shahid Kapoor who also co-stars Pooja Hegde. The film is expected to be released in October. There are speculations that this film is a remake of the Malayalam film Salute starring Dulquer Salmaan. Shahid also announced 'Ashwatthama: The Saga Continues' with Kannada director Sachin Ravi. Varun Dhawan is remaking Vijay's Theri/Police as Baby John in Hindi, starring Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi. Atlee produces it. Akshay Kumar is also directing Sarfira, a remake of Suriya's national award-winning film Soorarai Pottru/Akasham Nee Haddhura, with its original director Sudha Kongara.




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