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Donald Trump waves to crowd and visits McLaren garage at Miami F1 Grand Prix

Donald Trump waves to crowd and visits McLaren garage at Miami F1 Grand Prix


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Donald Trump has arrived at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami for Sunday's F1 race as he takes a break from his high-profile secret trial in New York.

Security surrounding the Florida event was significantly increased following the former US president's decision to attend the sixth round of the F1 campaign.

The 77-year-old, currently on trial in New York for allegedly falsifying documents to conceal the payment of money to adult film star Stormy Daniels, traveled to the McLaren garage to meet the British teams' CEO Zak Brown, F1 boss Stefano Domenicali and the FIA. President Mohammed Ben Soulayem.

After Trump's visit, McLaren released a statement: McLaren is a non-political organization, but we recognize and respect the office of President of the United States. So when the request was made to visit our garage on race day, we agreed alongside the FIA ​​President. and the CEOs of Liberty Media and Formula 1.

We were honored that McLaren Racing was chosen as F1's representative, giving us the opportunity to showcase the world-class engineering we bring to motorsport.

Potential Republican nominee Trump reportedly plans to use a suite at the exclusive paddock club here to host a political fundraiser.

But speaking before Sunday's race, Tom Garfinkel, CEO of the Miami Dolphins and Hard Rock Stadium, said: There will be no fundraising by anyone at the event.

The event is about bringing people together and we welcome everyone.

We do not control people's guest lists when they purchase a suite.

Trump waves to crowd at F1 Miami Grand Prix (Getty Images)Trump toured McLaren garage by CEO Zak Brown (Getty Images)

We want everyone to enjoy the race, and we want it to be a great environment and not something that gets political or is used for commercial or political purposes.

Pop star Taylor Swift was rumored to be among the plethora of stars in attendance in Miami with her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs Superbowl winner Travis Kelce, also on the F1 guest list.

Retired NFL star Tom Brady, World Cup winner Zinedine Zidane, four-time Major winner Rory McIlroy, Los Angeles Lakers giant Lebron James and singer Shakira were also expected to attend.

Max Verstappen, who has won four of the five rounds so far, starts from pole position, with Lewis Hamilton eighth on the grid.

Additional reporting by PA




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