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Patrick Mahomes thinks the Chiefs are close to unlocking that Hollywood Brown skill set

Patrick Mahomes thinks the Chiefs are close to unlocking that Hollywood Brown skill set


Wide receiver has been a focal point for the Kansas City Chiefs since the Tyreek Hill trade two years ago. Ironic since Kansas City won two Super Bowls in the two seasons without Hill.

The Chiefs improved at receiver this offseason with Marquise “Hollywood” Brown hitting free agency, who could become the No. 1 pick with Rashee Rice and her offseason issues. Patrick Mahomes has worked extensively with Brown this offseason, noticing the major aspects he will bring to the Chiefs offense.

“I think you obviously see the speed, you see the speed instantly,” Mahomes said Monday during the first day of Phase 1 OTAs, via a Chiefs transcript. “What I have liked so far is how hard he is working, he has been participating in the training sessions, in the running and he wants more.

“He wants to continue to push himself more and more, and I think he has a very important role in this offense in the way he's able to run routes, the way he's able to expand the field. I think it will be even stronger than what you've seen before because I think we can use it in different ways (than) I think it's been used before.”

Brown finished last season with a career-low 574 yards, playing in 14 games. He missed eight games over the last two seasons with the Arizona Cardinals, finishing with 1,283 yards and seven touchdowns during that stretch.

Brown had a career-high 1,008 receiving yards with the Baltimore Ravens in 2021. The Chiefs signed Brown to a one-year contract worth up to $7 million, but 6, $5 million was guaranteed at signing. He was a 1,000-yard receiver with Lamar Jackson and a trusted target for Kyler Murray, so his reputation around the league for playing with good quarterbacks is solid.

Now Brown is asking Mahomes to throw him the ball. Mahomes believes the Chiefs are close to unlocking a skill set from Brown that the league hasn't seen yet.

“I think it was the route that pleasantly surprised me,” Mahomes said. “The way he's able to get in and out of his cuts, he has a good feel for space and like I said, he wants to learn more and more, so I think at As he gets into our attack and learns how with the freedom you have I think we can use that in the middle of the field.

“I know he's done it in the past, but I think we're running him at an even higher load, so I think it'll be something we can really highlight in our offense.”




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