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'Blair Witch' Actor Slams '25 Years of Disrespect' as Reboot Revealed

'Blair Witch' Actor Slams '25 Years of Disrespect' as Reboot Revealed


It was a bit witchy on their part.

The original production team behind the 1999 film “The Blair Witch Project” revealed Monday that they were not asked to return to the franchise's most recent reboot.

It's bittersweet, honestly, said production designer Ben Rock the hollywood reporter after learning about the new opus at CinemaCon last week.

According to Rock, 56, this isn't the first time the production team has been overlooked when it comes to revamping the thriller series.

The original production team behind the 1999 film “The Blair Witch Project” revealed Monday that they were not asked to return to the franchise's most recent reboot. Homemade Entertainment/courtesy Everett / Everett Collection
The production designer also noted that tensions between the studio and the crew were high. Homemade Entertainment/courtesy Everett Collection

Rock noted that no one from the film, including co-directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Snchez, was involved in the 2000 sequel “The Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2,” the 2016 sequel nor the previously announced reboot. last week, by the production companies. Blumhouse and Lionsgate.

Additionally, Rock noted that since the runaway success of the first film, things have been rocky between the studio and the crew.

I think what's happened twice now is that the original creators were overlooked and other people were brought in who were all good, Rock said. But none of the sequels resonated with audiences the way they wanted. So it might be worth at least talking to some of the original creators.

“I understand that you can be too close to something, and maybe an outside perspective is helpful, but overall it didn't work,” he continued. “They didn’t make the move they wanted to make. I hope Blumhouse isn't like, “Hey, let's reboot this without talking to anyone.” [from the first one]. But they didn't talk to any of us.

Things got even worse when one of the original cast members, Joshua Leonard, posted on Instagram about his own frustrations with the franchise. Robin Platzer/Twin Images/Online USA, Inc.
The film from co-directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Snchez premiered at Sundance in 1999, became a summer blockbuster and is now one of the highest-grossing films ever made. Homemade Entertainment/courtesy Everett Collection

“I don’t know how you top what we did. But I care about the franchise, so whoever does it, I hope they handle it carefully,” he concluded.

The Post has contacted Lionsgate and Blumhouse for comment.

Rock's frustrations were also echoed by Mike Monello, co-producer of the horror film.

Radical idea: you could try giving this project to the original team that did the first one,” Monello put online. “You know how the team that actually has an entire franchise is planning to reimagine what a 'Blair Witch' movie could be?

Things got even worse when one of the original cast members, Joshua Leonard, voiced his own frustrations with the franchise. on Instagram.

“I'm so proud of our little punk-rock movie and I LOVE the fans who keep the flames burning,” Leonard, 48, wrote. “But at this point, it's been 25 years of disrespect from the people who pocketed the lion's share (pun intended) of the profits from OUR work, and it seems both disgusting and classless.

The original film is presented as found footage of three students who go into the woods to try to catch a glimpse of the mysterious Blair Witch. Homemade Entertainment/courtesy Everett Collection

The original film is presented as found footage recorded by Joshua, Heather and Michael (played by Leonard, Heather Donahue and Michael C. Williams), three college students who go into the woods to try to catch a glimpse of the mysterious Blair Witch.

Myrick and Snchez's film premiered at Sundance in 1999, became a summer blockbuster, and is now one of the highest-grossing films ever made.

In an effort to market the film, the film crew designed several missing persons posters featuring the three actors and even developed a now-defunct website that hosted several videos of actors posing as law enforcement and testifying about their work.

No release date or plot details have been given about the new film.




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