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Murray wants certainty about quarantine problems before US Open


(Reuters) – Players should be sure not to be put in mandatory quarantine when they return from the US Open to Europe before traveling to New York during the COVID-19 pandemic, former world champion Andy Murray said.

FILE PHOTO: Tennis – Davis Cup Finals – Caja Magica, Madrid, Spain – November 20, 2019 British Andy Murray reacts during his match against the Tallon Griekspoor REUTERS / Susana Vera / File Photo in the Netherlands

The organizers of the United States Tennis Association (USTA) will set up a strict biosafety bubble to minimize the risk of contracting the new corona virus during the Grand Slam, which will run from August 31 through September. 13.

The Western & Southern Open, which has been relocated from Cincinnati this year due to COVID-19, will also be held in New York from August 20-28 and will serve as a tune-up for the hard court Grand Slam.

Mandatory quarantine would preclude players from participating in other ATP and WTA claycourt events scheduled for the French Open in late September in Europe.

The two main claycourt events leading up to Roland Garros are in Madrid (September 13-20) and Rome (September 20-27).

While Spain does not require mandatory quarantine, Italy should require travelers who need to quarantine for 14 days if they are from the US. The USTA has said that the organizers are working with the relevant authorities to resolve issues.

“I understand it would be settled before we go to America. But things can change in the next ten to 12 days, “Murray told British media.

“Hopefully, before we leave, we have a guarantee that if they come back from America, they won’t have to quarantine for two weeks.

“If so, and if you do well in the US Open, you can’t just arrive on Sunday before the French Open starts on Monday. That’s not going to work. ‘

The United States has over 4.68 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 with more than 155,000 deaths.

Murray, three-time Grand Slam winner, has stopped playing competitively since November due to hip problems, but recently took part in some exhibition events with the professional circuit closed.

The 33-year-old said he is willing to take the travel risk because he missed playing at major events.

“The situation I’ve had in recent years, I haven’t had a chance to play in many slams. “I don’t know how much I have left,” Murray said.

“So, while I feel relatively good … there is of course a risk, but I want to try to play in it and enjoy the biggest events again.”

Reporting by Sudipto Ganguly in Mumbai; adapted by Toby Davis

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