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Bystander's Quick Action Saves Williamsburg Truck Driver's Life

Bystander's Quick Action Saves Williamsburg Truck Driver's Life


Catie Burnett helped save Eric's life after a tanker truck caught fire on I-64. (Catie Burnett)

WILLIAMSBURG The quick intervention of a passing motorist recently helped save the life of a local truck driver.

On March 26, Eric, a driver for JSG Corporation, was traveling eastbound on Interstate 64. After blowing a front tire, Eric lost control of the fuel truck, which collided with the dirt- right in the center and uprooted several trees before turning around. Eric was trapped in the cab as diesel fuel began to leak from the truck before igniting near his head.

That's when a witness to the accident, Catie Burnett, sprang into action. Running toward the fire, Burnett located the fire extinguisher on the vehicle and extinguished the fire. Once the fire was out, she tended to and spoke to the driver before first responders arrived.

“I can’t take credit for that at all. It was all God and he told me exactly what to do. I was shaking like a leaf, I was crying and everyone thought I was traumatized. I stayed with him as if he were my child and I would not leave him. They used the Jaws of Life and cut him up. Around fifty people had to be on site to try to remedy the situation. They got him out quickly and let me stay with him. He was then airlifted to hospital. The day after the accident, JSG called me to thank me for my response,” Burnett recalls.

After visiting Eric in the hospital, Burnett cried tears of joy when she saw that he was okay.

“He is one of the most positive, uplifting and faithful people I know. He couldn't be more gracious about the whole thing. He just wants to get better and get back to work,” Burnett said.

The accident and the response have since changed Burnett's life. She has now decided to explore her career options (she left a business developer position for a mortgage company) and ultimately wants to do something in medicine.

“I want to be in a trauma operating room so I can be there when patients like Eric come in. It really woke me up. I wanted to be a nurse my whole life and sometimes life passes you by and you settle. That day of the accident changed my life. It’s crazy how a tragedy that could have been so horrible led to so many blessings,” Burnett said.

Burnett refers to Eric as his “earthly hero”.

“He literally changed my whole life. This has been a wild, crazy, incredible journey and I have been so blessed by this man and this horrible experience,” Burnett said.

Matt Stauch, CEO of JSG Corporation, provided a brief update on Eric's condition.

“He’s home and recovering. He had a broken bone in his lower leg, he had some serious bumps and bruises, but we think he's going to come back to work. Eric can't wait to get back to work. He's the kind of person who doesn't want to sit at home, he doesn't want to be idle, he likes to have things to do, he's a very active person. Work is a great source of pride and stimulation for him. He really loves what he does,” Stauch said.

Eric and his family are simply asking for prayers as he continues his healing journey. Once healed, Burnett and Eric hope to reunite their families.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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