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Roberto Cavalli: In Roberto Cavalli's major phase in Bollywood

Roberto Cavalli: In Roberto Cavalli's major phase in Bollywood


With the recent passing of legendary Italian designer Roberto Cavalli, who became famous for his animal prints and glamorous, sexy silhouettes, we look back at his tryst with the country and Bollywood's love of his ensembles. From Preity Zinta to Kareena Kapoor, Cavalli was Bollywood's favorite designer in this decade. Nowhere would a red carpet be complete without one of Cavalli's creations being photographed on an A-list actor. Roberto Cavalli was one of the first Italian designers to launch his store in India and open the brand's offerings to the Indian market. The designer has always been curious. During a 2013 trip to launch his first store in New Delhi, Cavalli spent time exploring the capital's street markets, trying out the traditional textiles and fabrics on sale.

Image may contain Roberto Cavalli Bazaar Market Shop Adult person Wedding accessories Glasses Jewelry Necklace Bag and...

Cavalli buying Indian fabrics in New Delhi, 2012


His connection to India also led to a unique collaboration with Vogue India, when, in 2013, the designer made a dress from bandhani textiles from Rajasthan, for Project Renaissance, an editorial initiative with the team at Vogue aimed at cultivating a dialogue between international designers and Indian textiles. .

The Vogue India Renaissance Project

Image may contain clothing Dress Dance Leisure activities Person Formal wear and Adult

The designer received a bandhani textile from Rajasthan and created a dress that incorporated its bold and sensual silhouette, inspired by the liberating essence of the sari. This was part of Vogue India's Renaissance Project, an exchange aimed at starting a dialogue between international designers and traditional Indian textiles.

It was an exciting challenge to build the design, blending the sensuality and Cavalli style with the elements of a traditional sari. Roberto Cavalli

While Cavalli's designs were frequently spotted on Bollywood actors, we've rounded up some of the best outfits that immortalize the designers' connections to India and its glamorous women.

The Vogue Connect:

Image may contain Monikangana Dutta Bipasha Basu Priyanka Chopra Preity Zinta Lakshmi Menon Gemma Ward and publication

On the very first cover of Vogue India, actor Preity Zinta wore a Roberto Cavalli dress. Bipasha Basu and Priyanka Chopra will also be seen later on the red carpets in the designer's creations.

Image may contain Sonam Kapoor adult post, magazine, accessories, jewelry, necklace and ring.

The style icon wore outfits from the Roberto Cavallis Resort 2010 collection for her first Vogue India cover. From zebra stripes to floral prints, the designers' vision was in full swing for the magazine's January 2010 edition.

Image may contain Katrina Kaif Clothing Swimwear Adult Animal and Marine Life

The Kay Beauty founder wore a Roberto Cavalli dress for the June 2016 issue of Vogue India. Cavalli has always maintained that his inspiration is nature and he has attempted to recreate this through his collections. Her signature was sultry, sultry dresses that came to define the aesthetic of the 2000s and decades beyond.

Kareena Kapoor

Image may contain Saif Ali Khan Kareena Kapoor Fashion Clothing Shoes High Heels Adult and Person

Kareena Kapoor in Cavalli

Ferdaus Shamim

Kapoor was the face of Cavalli's sexy, bold image in India in the 2000s, from bodycon dresses to sultry, sultry gowns, the Crew actor was almost always spotted in her designs.

Aishwarya Rai

Image may contain Aishwarya Rai Fashion Clothing Shoes Shoe High heel Adults Wedding and accessories

Aishwarya Rai attends the premiere of 'Two Days, One Night' at the 67th Cannes Film Festival.

Georges Pimentel

Cavalli's golden moment came when actor Aishwarya Rai chose to wear his creation to walk the red carpet at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.

Priyanka Chopra

Image may contain adult clothing and toy Priyanka Chopra

Wearing an iconic Cavalli look by Law Roach, Priyanka Chopra exuded bold glamor as she paired her snakeskin print dress with a matching trench coat for a 2021 film premiere.

Critical I say

Image may contain Kriti Sanon Clothing Dress Formal wear Evening dress Fashion dress Wedding dress Bridal and adult dress

For the 2017 IIFA Awards, the wolf the actor chose a Champagne Cavalli dress in colorful tulle with gold embroidery and plunging neckline.

Alia Bhatt

Image may contain Alia Bhatt Fashion Clothing Dress Adults Shoes Shoe High Heel and Evening Wear

Bhatt chose to wear Cavalli for the Vogue India Woman of the Year awards in 2018. The dress with its plunging neckline and shimmering embroidery was the highlight of that evening's red carpet.

Anushka Sharma

Image may contain Nirav Modi Anushka Sharma Adult Persona Formal Wear Clothing Coat Wedding Fashion Suit and Dress

This Cavalli dress with gold details worn by Anushka Sharma landed her on Vogue India's best dressed list in 2012.

Shilpa Shetty

Image may contain Shilpa Shetty Clothing Dress Evening Dress Formal Wear Adult Person Fashion Dress and Accessories

NEW DELHI, INDIA – MAY 1: Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty at the 7th GeoSpa Asia Spa India Awards 2013 on May 1, 2014 in New Delhi, India. (Photo by Raajessh Kashyap/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)Times Hindustan/Getty Images

Shilpa Shetty wore this turquoise green number by Roberto Cavalli to an awards show in 2013.




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