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Top Hollywood Producer Carol Baum Says Sydney Sweeney Isn't Pretty and the Euphoria Star Can't Act

Top Hollywood Producer Carol Baum Says Sydney Sweeney Isn't Pretty and the Euphoria Star Can't Act


Carol Baum recently admitted that she doesn't understand all the buzz around Sydney Sweeney. Best known for producing films like Fly Away Home and Shining Through, Baum says the 26-year-old actress doesn't know how to act. His staunch criticism of Sweeney follows the release of his latest film, Anybody But You. Hollywood's biggest producer said the Euphoria star wasn't pretty during a discussion at a screening of his 1988 film Dead Ringers at the Jacob Burns Center in Pleasantville, New York.

Sydney Sweeney is facing harsh criticism from top Hollywood producer Carol Baum, who says the Euphoria star is not
Sydney Sweeney faces harsh criticism from top Hollywood producer Carol Baum, who says the Euphoria star is 'not pretty' and 'can't act' (REUTERS)

Top Hollywood Producer Slams Sydney Sweeney's Acting Skills, Calls Her Romantic Movie Unwatchable

During the screening, she reportedly told the audience, “I don’t understand Sydney Sweeney. Baum recalled that no one had an answer when she asked the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts: Explain this girl to me. She's not pretty. She can't act. Why is she so hot? by DailyMail. Continuing her scathing statements about the Madame Web star, Baum criticized her acting skills.

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Referring to the unwatchable Anybody But You, in which Sweeney stars alongside Glen Powell, Baum said: “I wanted to know who she is and why everyone is talking about her, as she revealed that she had seen the film on a plane. After the screening, event moderator Janet Maslin confirmed Baum's criticism of Sweeney on social media.

It's unwatchable. Carol Baum said this after screening Dead Ringers at the Jacob Burns Film Center and she mentioned seeing Anybody But You on a plane. But Dead Ringers, the b/oa book that Baum picked up 10 years before David Cronenberg adapted it, is getting better and better, Maslin wrote on X, formerly Twitter Tuesday evening.

Sydney Sweeney Fans Support Euphoria Star Amid Brutal Carol Baum Remarks

Fans were quick to support the Immaculate star after Baum's harsh comments about her acting skills and appearance. One fan wrote: Carol seems to have embraced ugliness: inside and out. Another said: “Someone's jealousy is showing, and the truth is whoever criticized her can't get out of a wet paper bag with a neon sign and a road map.” The typical feminist always projects her insecurities onto others because she can never face her own inadequacies in life.




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