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'Fallout' officially renewed for season 2 by Amazon

'Fallout' officially renewed for season 2 by Amazon


It's official: the sci-fi action comedy To fall will return for a second season.

Prime Video has renewed the series based on the popular Bethesda Softworks game franchise and adapted by showrunners Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner and produced by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. The show gave the streamer a welcome boost, featuring some of Prime Video's best reviews ever, averaging 94% positive ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. The streamer also claims that the series is among its top three titles to date (although, as usual, it didn't back this up with hard data).

“Jonah, Lisa, Geneva and Graham captivated the world with this groundbreaking and wild show. The bar was set high for fans of this iconic video game and so far, we appear to have exceeded their expectations, while attracting millions of new fans to the franchise,” said Jennifer Salke, head of Amazon MGM Studios, in a statement. “The cast led by Ella Purnell, Aaron Moten, Walton Goggins and Kyle MacLachlan knocked it out of the park. We would like to thank Jonah and Lisa and our friends at Bethesda for bringing the show to us, as well as Geneva. and Graham for their participation as showrunners. We are thrilled to announce season two after just one week and take viewers even further into the surreal world of. To fall.”

Filming for the second season is expected to move to California in order to benefit from a $25 million tax credit (the first season was largely filmed in New York and Utah). According to a filing by the California Film Commission, the series has a budget of $152 million. If the first season finale tease is to be believed, the next season could be heading to the world of New Vegas, a popular location in the gaming franchise.

“Praise to our incredibly brilliant showrunners Geneva and Graham, our awesome cast, Todd and James and all the legends at Bethesda, and Jen, Vernon and the incredible team at Amazon for their incredible support of this series . We can’t wait to blow up the world again,” Nolan and Joy said.

To fall takes place 200 years after a nuclear war, and the first season follows a trio of survivors: a naive “vault dweller” (Ella Purnell), a warrior member of the Brotherhood of Steel (Aaron Clifton Moten) and a undead ghoul (Walton Goggins). ).

Amazon MGM Studios and Kilter Films produce To fall in association with Bethesda Game Studios and Bethesda Softworks. Nolan and Joy serve as executive producers along with Robertson-Dworet, Wagner, Athena Wickham of Kilter Films, Todd Howard for Bethesda Game Studios and James Altman for Bethesda Softworks.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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