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“Blue Bloods” actor Gregory Jbara: “The end is not yet a fait accompli!”

“Blue Bloods” actor Gregory Jbara: “The end is not yet a fait accompli!”


Gregory Jbara, who plays NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Garrett Moore on the CBS family crime series Blue Bloods, says this 14th season may not be the last and not just because of semantics.

Technically, the top 10 [current] The episodes will conclude season 14, said the Tony Award winner, 62, speaking by phone from his home in Los Angeles. Then the last eight episodes that we haven't shot yet will start Season 15. And we're hoping that CBS will see the numbers and feel like we can do eight or ten more and flesh out Season 15 for them. So we're not mourning the loss of the show yet, he said. The end is not yet a fait accompli!

Even if so, he will undoubtedly continue to work, as he has for decades, including as Senator Warren Magnuson, chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, in the Academy Award-winning film Oppenheimer last year, and in the $60,000-budgeted independent feature A. Ramble Towards Rain, filmed entirely on the North Fork by first-time filmmaker Lisa Angell and premiering Sunday at 4:30 p.m. as part of the Queens World Film Festival at the Zukor Theater at Kaufman Studios in Astoria.

Colin Bates as Frederick Owlman and Gregory Jbara as Buck...

Colin Bates as Frederick Owlman and Gregory Jbara as Buck in a scene from “A Ramble Towards Rain”. Credit: Thirty-one oaks

Lisa was a childminder [production assistant] on “Blue Bloods”, and [screenwriter] Caleb [Lenderking-]Brill, who goes by the name Oscar Brill, was a PA on “Blue Bloods,” then became an assistant in the location department, Jbara says. And it wasn't until he left the show that he was scouting other shows, that he contacted me with a script, asking if I'd be interested in doing it.

Jbara agreed to spend a month working on Long Island, living in what he calls a cute little dormer above the garage of Lisa's friend's house, because I was a big fan of Caleb and I was really excited about the tone of the film and its ambition. It was also wonderful to be able to help make someone's first feature film come to fruition. So it was a mutually beneficial relationship.

In the film, he plays two roles: one is that of the egocentric and bombastic television star Buck Johnson, cared for in his final days of cancer by his beleaguered sister (writer-actor Sherie Rene Scott, three-time Tony nominee). The other, in fantasy sequences in the novel that Buck struggles to complete, is the gentle Hector, a bowler hat, waiting for Godot-esque naf in search of meaning, accompanied by a bird-winged, pot-smoking cynic cigarette (Colin Bates) in a van.

Gregory Jbara in a scene from

Gregory Jbara in a scene from “A Ramble Towards Rain,” a new independent feature film. Credit: Thirty-one Oaks

Greg being Greg is so open to things, and he was excited and willing to meet Caleb, it kind of evolved from there, says Angell, 26, born in Riverhead and raised in Mattituck, who has since gotten engaged in Lenderking-Brill. , with whom she lives in Astoria. Once Greg was attached, we secured the financing and all the stars aligned. And then we had Sherie and it snowballed beyond what we thought possible.

Angell, a graduate of Mattituck Junior-Senior High School and Fairfield University of Connecticut, bartered with local businesses for food for the cast and crew. I made a bunch of promotional videos for social media and local websites, and they gave us food for the crew, which is the only way we can stay on budget.

Locations include a mansion in Peconic and these towns Breeze Hill Farms and Peconic River Campgrounds. Macari Vineyards in Mattituck and Half Pints ​​Dairy in Greenport provided production parking space for filming nearby.




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