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What you need to know about the jurors in Trump's hush money trial in New York

What you need to know about the jurors in Trump's hush money trial in New York


Twelve jurors and one alternate are now serving in former President Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York, which could begin as early as Monday.

The final jury was chosen Thursday from dozens of Manhattan residents and includes two people who replaced previous selections. One woman expressed concerns about her identity being revealed by the media, saying friends and family had already asked her if she was serving. Another man was fired after prosecutors pointed out possible inconsistencies in his responses to the jury questionnaire.

Jurors, whose identities are known to those involved in the case but otherwise kept secret, will be charged with deciding the outcome of the first criminal trial of a former president in U.S. history. They each pledged to serve impartially and answered questions about their political views, personal lives and news consumption habits before being selected. After replacing the previous two jurors, Judge Juan Merchan barred the media from talking about the jurors' potential employers.

The panel will hear evidence related to allegations that Trump participated in a scheme with his former lawyer Michael Cohen to falsify records to conceal reimbursements he paid to Cohen. The reimbursements were allegedly for a “hush money” payment Cohen made just before the 2016 election to adult film star Stormy Daniels, who said she had an affair with Trump years earlier. Trump has denied having an affair with Daniels and has pleaded not guilty to the charges. He accused prosecutors of pursuing the case for political purposes.

Here's what we know about the Trump trial jury. Jurors No. 2 and No. 4 replaced the two previous jurors:

Juror #1

Juror No. 1 is a man originally from Ireland who now lives in New York and works in sales. He was appointed by the judge as president. He loves the outdoors and gets his news from The New York Times, Daily Mail, Fox News and MSNBC.

Juror #2

Juror #2 is a man who works in investment banking and lives with his wife in New York. He said he followed Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer and a key witness in the case, on social media, as well as on Trump's Truth Social posts. He said he paid attention to “anything that could move the markets that I needed to know about.”

Juror #3

Juror No. 3 is a business lawyer from Oregon. He said he enjoys hiking and gets his news from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Google. He said he was “not very familiar with the other charges” Trump faces and didn't “follow the news as closely.”

Juror #4

Juror No. 4 is a security engineer who said he spends most of his free time with his children. He said he gets his information from various media outlets and is not on social media.

Juror #5

The fifth juror is a teacher who said she is not very interested in politics or news, which she gets from the New York Times and TikTok. Even though her friends have strong opinions about Trump, she says that's not the case. She gave this opinion, when questioned by one of Trump's lawyers: “President Trump speaks his mind. I would prefer that in a person rather than in someone who is in power and you don't know what what he does behind the scenes.”

Juror #6

A software engineer, Juror No. 6 said she could treat Trump as she would any other person on trial. She reads the New York Times and uses TikTok.

Juror #7

A civil attorney, Juror No. 7 said he enjoyed spending time outdoors with his children. He told the court that he reads the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and the Washington Post. He likes the “Smartless” and “Car Talk” podcasts.

Juror #8

The eighth juror is a retired wealth manager. He said he enjoyed meditation and yoga and got his news from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the BBC and CNBC.

Juror #9

Juror No. 9 is a woman from New Jersey and works as a speech therapist. She said she “doesn't watch the news or follow it too closely” and listens to podcasts about reality TV. She said she receives newsletters from the New York Times and CNN.

“I don't agree with a lot of his political views and his decisions as president, but I really took the last couple of days to think and make sure I could put that aside and be a juror totally impartial, and I think as I can,” she told the court.

Juror #10

The tenth juror is a man from Ohio who works in commerce. He said he loved the outdoors and animals. He said he could put aside his opinions about Trump and decide the matter impartially.

“I don’t have a strong opinion about Mr. Trump,” he said. “For certain things I am in favor, for [some] things I'm not in favor of.”

Juror #11

Juror No. 11 is a woman from California. She works in product development. She said she thinks Trump “seems very selfish and selfish, so I don't really appreciate that in any public official.” But she added that doesn't mean she can't be impartial.

“I don't have any strong opinions about him, but I don't like his personality, the way he presents himself in public. I don't really agree with some of his political views, but that doesn't doesn't mean I can't be impartial.” “, she told the court. “I don't like some of my colleagues, but I won't like them, but I can listen to him, understand his point of view and understand his problems.”

Juror #12

Juror No. 12 is a woman who works as a physiotherapist. She said she listens to podcasts about sports and faith and gets her news from the New York Times, USA Today and CNN.

“As an eligible voter, I feel it is my responsibility regarding the election to make an informed decision so that I can vote. Regarding this court case and the defendant in the room , I have no opinion until the information is presented to me in the courtroom,” she said in court.

Alternative #1

The first alternate is a woman who grew up abroad and works as a financial analyst. She said she gets her news from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

“I have opinions on [Trump] the same way I have opinions on most things. I have no personal opinion about him, none that I think could impact my ability to be impartial,” she said.

Trump investigates more Graham Kates




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